Simcity Closed Beta


Veteran X
Anyone else get in? Thoughts?

Downloading but the servers appear to be surprise there then..
the idea of building regions is cool but it takes way too much effort. i generally want to build one city and try to make it perfect

if sc5 is as buggy as sc4 i probably dont want to play in the beta, but is there any hope of getting in at this point?
the last simcity randomly closed without saving at about a half hour to 40 minutes in every game

I got in but haven't had a chance to play yet.

Simty 4 was great but they shit the bed with societies. I am kind of wary of this point but hopeful as well.
I think this has great potential. Although it would be nice to have more space as already it seems a little a town.

But i see what they're trying to do...end of the day, cities have suburbs so i guess they're thinking the whole 'region' part as a major combined city....enjoying it so far, might give the full game a crack.
a ton of shit is "locked for the beta" and i ran out of money asap trying to make a highway swastika, assholes.
small areas? why not do what sc4 did with different region sizes? sc4 with expansion is great btw