Silent Hunter III

Yeah, man, I'm defintely a troll for pointing out that you're a faggot for asking how to pirate something from a genre that's on the verge of extinction.

Good call.
I don't see how it harms them. I don't have time to really play it, I just wanna check it out. I wouldn't buy the game even if it wasn't warezed. :shrug:
|vm| said:
I don't see how it harms them.
Because every sale counts when you have a small profit margin. Ubi is one of the few big publishers left willing to foray into the sim market, and they are seriously reconsidering doing that in the future because of things like LOMAC.

This isn't Doom 3.
|vm| said:
i wanna play

there's no chance this will be warezed?

Give it a month or so, I may be wrong but I haven’t seen any SF3 protected games out right cracked, at least nothing new anyways. People have come up with work around type fixes such as mounting mini-image files that trick the game into thinking you have the original cd in the drive, the hassle though is you have to completely disable your physical cd drives to get it to work for some reason. Unlike some of the other copy protection methods out there it seems the Russian programmers who made Star Force are continuously tweaking their code so previous tricks don’t seem to work, I bet anything that they’re all ex-crackers themselves.

I agree with Kurayami though with regard to supporting niche games like this, if you’re a fan at all of sims like this but not for just the sake of keeping a genre alive, it looks like they’ve finally added a sense of cinematic drama to an otherwise sterile form of simulation which is why I’m interested in playing it.
So far I've done 4 patrols, and I managed to sink a decent amount of ships, but only one with a torpedo. My 4th patrol was pretty tense, because I was constantly being hounded by destroyers. Everywhere I went I would run into one, with no merchant vessels in sight. I'd dive and move around silently to avoid, with depth charges going off all around me. Managed to make it to my patrol and finish the mission with very little damage though, but I only sank one ship.

One thing that annoys me though, is that you can only man the deck and flak guns if the weather is perfect. I'm the Captain, and if I need the deck gun operational when there are winds higher than 6 mph, then my crew better do it.

I also wish there was a way to make shift schedules or something, because having to manually switch crews around all the time is really fucking annoying.
HITAKH, try just hitting the "surface cruise mode" or whatever button is right for the situation on the crew management screen. It'll automatically put all the tired guys in quarters and put enough men in all the places they're currently needed.

Also, anyone who hasn't patched to 1.1 should probably do that.

So my latest "holy shit that was cool I didn't know the game could do that" moment was last night. I was off the west coast of the British isles, heading back towards Kiel. The weather had been nothing but pea soup and rain for 4 days straight and visibility was like 500m at most. So I'm cruising along and suddenly this destroyer comes out of NOWHERE, and starts blasting the shit out of me. It got me down to 17% hull integrity before I manage to dive, and I KNOW I'm screwed because I'm in shallow water and it's already almost on top of me. So I switch to the external view to watch myself get ass fucked, when this huge swell capsizes the destroyer! I was shocked, I just sort of sat there in disbelief and watched the ass end go up in the air and slowly slide under the water. I eventually made it back to base, but that was fucking COOL.
I wish my pay would fucking come in so i can go pick up this game.. I'm still stuck playing silent hunter II.
Also, I agree with Kurayami about this game. I'll admit that I warez most of the games that I play. When I burn a copy of something like Doom 3, I don't feel bad, because I know it's going to sell a hojillion copies no matter what.

When it's a simulation, the market is like 1/20th the size of the market for an FPS game. I know that not buying the game means it's that more likely that another one won't be made. I REALLY enjoy flight sims, and I've played just about every sub sim that's come out since Silent Service back in the 80's. Support the developers, fuckwad.

Also, can someone warez ban this fucktard? :p
apollod said:
I wish my pay would fucking come in so i can go pick up this game.. I'm still stuck playing silent hunter II.
I'm going to pick it up as soon as I have the money in my hand.

Whether or not I'll actually play it at that time depends on how desperate I am for a fix at that moment. Will I be willing to abandon my MORALS and DIGNITY by SULLYING my computer with STARFORCE? Time will tell.
So do most of you guys use manual or automated torpedo solutions? HINT: Real men don't need no steenkin' automated solutions.
Kurayami said:
I'm going to pick it up as soon as I have the money in my hand.

Whether or not I'll actually play it at that time depends on how desperate I am for a fix at that moment. Will I be willing to abandon my MORALS and DIGNITY by SULLYING my computer with STARFORCE? Time will tell.

i think the whole idea of dynamic campaigns returning after 10 years would be worth it
Actually they made it easier than I was hoping they would. You pretty much just have to correctly identify the ship, do some reticle work to get the range, spin a dial to set the angle on the bow, and click a little stopwatch icon and wait 10 seconds to get the speed. All the calculations are automated.
DrJonez said:
Actually they made it easier than I was hoping they would. You pretty much just have to correctly identify the ship, do some reticle work to get the range, spin a dial to set the angle on the bow, and click a little stopwatch icon and wait 10 seconds to get the speed. All the calculations are automated.


you dont have to actually eyeball the angle off the bow?

thats what has been scaring the shit out of me, I wouldn't ever be able to tell the difference between a 110 degree angle and a 70 degree angle eyeballing from 1km away
Well you can either eyeball it, or set a parallel course and use AOB = 180 - bearing to target.

Basically just think of yourself as being on their bridge, and then think what bearing you'd have to look at to see your uboat. That's the AOB.