Shit nobody will read because ignorance is bliss and Fox News.

Midge has the vocabulary of a 10-year old child. Poor lad can't even differentiate between utopia / eutopia.
you should have went on the assumption that mitch was dumb

noun Eu·to·pia \yüˈtōpēə, eu̇ˈt-\
a country of ideal felicity and perfection; sometimes : utopia
Eutopian adjective

Handfuls and handfuls of desperate straw-clutching. Google both and see what you get.

"Oh but I was being deliberately obscure to demonstrate my enormous intelligence" Blah.
you should have went on the assumption that mitch was dumb

noun Eu·to·pia \yüˈtōpēə, eu̇ˈt-\
a country of ideal felicity and perfection; sometimes : utopia
Eutopian adjective

I'll just operate on the assumption that you didn't know utopia is more commonly spelled/accepted without an E.

Common sense dictates that if these words share the same definition, you'd drop the E because it's a superfluous character. I think you kept the E because you thought that's how most people spell the word.

utopia - Popularity: Top 1% of lookups
eutopia - Popularity: Bottom 30% of words

just because you accidentally stumbled upon an alternate spelling of the word doesn't really put you in the clear.
I always read "eutopia" as a sort of slang of European-topia.

As in, the idealized kumbaya state the EU was supposed to be.
The burden of proof required for rape under the UAE’s interpretation of sharia law – a confession from the rapist or witness statements from four adult men – means that cases that reach court are heavily skewed in the defendant’s favour and are frequently dismissed or turned around to prosecute the alleged victim.