[SEXY TIME]I Have A Date Tonight


Veteran XX
Anyone else have company Christmas parties to attend over the next few weeks or has your company shitcanned it because of money? Our company had a great year so we get a great party at one of the better hotels in Dallas tonight.

Afterwards, I may drive home in my Shelby Cobra(Chrysler Town & Country minvan) to my island retreat house in the South Pacific(shithole in E. Dallas) of 30 beautiful women(1 beautiful woman, my wife), perhaps even get laid.(meh...open bar from 18:30 to 22:00 so I'd say odds are even)
So you have a date with someone who isn't your wife? Is that what you are trying to say?
Does this site look like Twitter to you, faggot

He promised her billions...he promised her the world. She only needed to get inside to see "the real, the beautiful me." All material possessions will melt into insignificance he told her. 40 tanker trucks full of Dawn and 3 industrial hazmat teams working in shifts 24 hours a day for over 2 years peeling back the layers. But and all she found was a bitter, pimple faced herpes hermit babbling about a non-existent radio network…and a few singles that he begged her to let him slide into her panties “for old times sake.” She declined and headed for the bus station..
company doesnt fund anything for us anymore, so i have two parties one with my current group that i organized (ugh) and one with a group of former coworkers that will end in drunkenness, dancing and body shots that we regret the next morning.
Anyone else have company Christmas parties to attend over the next few weeks or has your company shitcanned it because of money? Our company had a great year so we get a great party at one of the better hotels in Dallas tonight.

Afterwards, I may drive home in my Shelby Cobra(Chrysler Town & Country minvan) to my island retreat house in the South Pacific(shithole in E. Dallas) of 30 beautiful women(1 beautiful woman, my wife), perhaps even get laid.(meh...open bar from 18:30 to 22:00 so I'd say odds are even)

Blow jobs aren't as satisfying when your wife is nearly passed out drunk and you have to do all the work.

Its still better than masturbating though.
I will be in the company of 12 lesbians later.

Unfortunately, they have no use for my Mad LayMan SkillZ, I am profoundly sad to report.

So I'll just get drunk, and then taxi it home...maybe I'll wank it with my left hand - it'll feel like someone else.
Mine was last night, we had a comic (Clinton Jackson). Was pretty funny. Afterwords went with the lady-friend and some bros to Zion I, Grouch, Evidence, and Dilated Peoples. Alcohol was consumed and a time was had.