Seriously guys, are you afraid of babies ?

Yeah, he doesn't want kids from me. No wonder why he said it was ok.

Contact me by pm.
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Ugh, I'm not afraid of babies but if I have a kid, and he's anything like me, dear lord I'll go crazy. I don't want another version of me running around. That's just crazy
Well they are many benefits being a kid/baby.

Anyways, I think you should not be afraid to "break" kids, they're a lot tougher than we think, and if you never hold one, you'll never learn how to hold them properly and to deal with all the trouble they come with.

^^ Karim :heart: If they eat as much as you, they won't be too expensive though.
Exactly what I was looking for, being really scared about touching a toddler. Can I ask what kind of trauma ? Dropping the baby ? :confused:

Sometimes they're still tards when they grow up.

Actually you can say pretty much anything to babies ... Only use a comforting and low voice ...

edit : Matt mon msn fonctionne pas !!!

ignore fngr, he has a whole history book full of mental problems and traumatic experiences.
i love making kids laugh over the STUPIDEST SHIT

I tickle my roomates kid whos almost 2 all the time, and then all I have to do is just get my hand close enough without even touchign him and he starts :rofl:ing
Exactly what I was looking for, being really scared about touching a toddler. Can I ask what kind of trauma ? Dropping the baby ? :confused:
No, itwasn't something so simple.

It was years of observing, and bearing the brunt of, physical & psychological abuse from multiple family members towards each other & myself. I was a kid brought up in a family whose parents were about to divorce. My father acted brutally both physically and psychologically to everyone of us. It's hard to be a 4-year-old hiding beneath the kitchen table while your parents are screaming and throwing stuff about. By that age, one of my brothers--the meanest one; the one convicted of killing my grandparents years later in my life--had already run away from home. The next time I'd see him was on TV.

I chose to live with my mom. She remarried a violent alcoholic when I was 8.

My luck just keeps getting better from that point on.

My point is, I fear children for the simple reason that I don't want to be the very thing that influences them in a negative way. I know I have been, and still am a bad influence in so many ways.

It's kind of a catch-22 when you think about it, though. You have to be around the kid in order to influence them either way...and that includes the postive way.

So being that I'm expecting my 1st born in just 5 months I think I'm going to have to start getting comfortable with the fact that I'm going to be around kids...quite a lot.
seriously.. the biggest reason is people are afraid of lawyer happy over protective parents.