say im poor as shit, but i want to batch cook something relativly healthy


Veteran X
hear me out, then laugh at me or whatever

im a college student. basically i overspent a shitload of money on women and alcohol and i have too much pride to ask my parents to reup (obviously i've done this before). i can get through this but i need your help. all non-essential spending is on hold but even the essentials need to be cut down. one could say i was previously eating nicely. now i cant afford it.

i need some dishes i can throw together - maybe 2 meals a day - that will keep me healthy. i have long long long days at school so i cant be passing out cuz all im eating is cup o noodles. im thinking something like a huge ass batch of letil soup with some chopped veggies for lunch AND dinner multiple times a week. how i feel about the food it is ultimately unimportant.

so again, dishes i can cook up and throw in some containers and bring in for lunch and dinner on the cheap, while still getting all the essential nutrients. taste is unimportant.

now i know soem of you ahve some depression/wwII era survivor parents that taught you a few tricks, so lay em down boys.
Chicken, rice, vegetable soup.

Grill up chicken in advance for a few days, keep it in the fridge. Rice, same shit. Vegetable soup speaks for itself.
I live off pb&j, ham/turkey & cheese, honey bunches of oats/raisin bran, and fruits & veggies thrown in here and there. I usually dont spend more than 20 bucks and manage to feed my room mate and I for a couple weeks. Havent had scurvy or lost too much weight
It's very difficult to eat healthy on a budget. Real nutrition is expensive.

What's your daily budget?
i try to think weekly. i was spending about $80 on groceries a week. most of that wasnt snacks, insofar as i only snacked cuz i ate small meals. but i was eating whatever i wanted. i feel like i can get that to half. im in nyc btw, so maybe its not as important to talk money but the actual products.
buy all your shit at aldis if you have one close by, you can get enough food to feed you for a week for like 15 bucks, if that
nice. thx

no aldis. i was already getting most of my stuff from our cheapest supermarket, "western beef".
eating healthy is cheap as hell if you're serious about it

i recommend canned goods and whole grains
- lima beans (yuck), garbanzo beans (yuck), black beans (yum), farva beans (yum), refried beans (yum)
- sardines (yum), tuna (yum)
- peas (yuck), beets (yuck), corn (yum)
- oatmeal (yum), shredded wheat cereal (yuck)

all of the above are cheap and healthy
get a job washing dishes at a local restaurant - then eat for free and make some money at the same time.