
Veteran XX
Yes, there will be lots of sausages, yes there will be lots of booze, let's take the show on the road so to speak.


Information: [subject to change]
Location: Reno, Nevada
Date: Sometime in September
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typically there is bratwurst, that has been boiled in a concoction and then bbq'd to perfection, bacon wrapped cheese and pepper stuffed chicken balls, lots of booze, and the typical snack foods nerds enjoy.

yes muktard, yes.
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I understand this is the latest pic of mofo.

Actually tenatively it will be in Reno not San Diego, someone has a wife to clear it with first. Once that's done the (again tenative) time is September. So it will be late, but it will still be, one way or another.

Sup Paly, how are things?
Should be a really cheap flight. I'll try and get a solid date and location as soon as I possibily can.
Yes, there will be lots of sausages, yes there will be lots of booze, let's take the show on the road so to speak.


Information: [subject to change]
Location: Reno, Nevada
Date: Sometime in September

i am actually going to be in Taho sometime in September for a wedding... i just might actually be able to make it. Also PBK is in Carson so he might show up.