ROMNEY 2012!


Romney says he is taxed at around 15 percent rate:

- Republican Mitt Romney acknowledged Tuesday that his income tax rate is "probably closer to 15 percent than anything," suggesting that one of the wealthiest people to ever run for U.S. president pays a much lower rate than most Americans.

His comment, a day after Romney agreed for the first time to release his tax returns -- but not until April when they are generally filed -- added fuel to his Republican rivals' calls for him to be more transparent about his finances.

It also drew fire from the Democratic White House and other critics, who said it reflected how Romney, whose estimated net worth is $270 million, is out of touch with the experiences and concerns of typical Americans.


Romney says he is taxed at around 15 percent rate:



He's taxed at capital gains. 15% is fine, because he's literally risking his own money to make that income and could potentially lose it all if the market took a shit.

This is why I laugh when Democratic presidents promise to raise the income tax on the rich.
He's taxed at capital gains. 15% is fine, because he's literally risking his own money to make that income and could potentially lose it all if the market took a shit.

This is why I laugh when Democratic presidents promise to raise the income tax on the rich.
you're an asshole if you think we should take more from the labor of working people at a higher rate than investing. Yes there is risk, but your not directly taking from the working man. B4 you reply you should know that Warren buffet agrees with me, and I think corporate tax rate should be 0.
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He's taxed at capital gains. 15% is fine, because he's literally risking his own money to make that income and could potentially lose it all if the market took a shit.

yes, taxing capital gains at 15% and the labor of my fucking calloused hands at 35% is fine, because President Romney is going to sell that message to the electorate and sail into office. lol

wtf what is the line on obama right now at intrade? even money, I need a piece of that.

It was fine at 28% and 36% too, this is just a gift to rich people we don't need and can't afford.
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Massive opposition research file on Romney hits Internet, likely from 2008 McCain campaign

The file explores everything from the assessed value of Romney’s house (“$3.162 million”) to his views on the Boy Scouts’ ban of homosexuals (“publicly opposed … in 1994 and 2002 campaigns”). It was made public Tuesday on the social media website Buzzfeed, although it appears to have been accessible online for two months.

The document, given the name “The Romney Book,” was viewed less than 100 times on the page where it was originally uploaded by its anonymous leaker on November 11.

Read more: Mitt Romney | John McCain | Opposition Research | The Daily Caller
Because the other candidates are more in touch with Americans with their meager 5-10 million dollar incomes.
Disgruntled. If anybody wants to buy me 4, one way plane tickets out of this country to either Japan, or Sweden, I would jump shit ASAP.