Rogues that raid.

In a perfect situation with no variables:

All classes live and are equally geared and equally skilled against a boss that doesn't favor killing melee or casters any more than each other, the Rogue should be on top. Plain and simple.

Hell, look at my armory. I'm wearing 3 greens and I just joined a guild with Kara on farm status and when it comes to overall DPS, I've been on top every time I set foot inside with them. When we fight mobs, the mages get really close or overtake me for a bit, but when it comes to a boss I pull away so hard it's not funny - and they're not bad mages.

It's just a Rogues job to be that much of a badass. So no, you're not doing anything wrong, but honestly your guild leader sounds like a retard who watches too many Mage PVP Vids and cums at the 9000 pyroblast crits.
bullshit. EPIC bullshit. if you are even coming close to leading the meters that means every other motherfucker dpsing in your raid is fucking terrible, and they DAMN sure dont have kara on farm.
Hell, look at my armory. I'm wearing 3 greens and I just joined a guild with Kara on farm status and when it comes to overall DPS, I've been on top every time I set foot inside with them. When we fight mobs, the mages get really close or overtake me for a bit, but when it comes to a boss I pull away so hard it's not funny - and they're not bad mages.

Warlock with crafted gear would destroy you 600 ways from Sunday. Your gear is awful.
bullshit. EPIC bullshit. if you are even coming close to leading the meters that means every other motherfucker dpsing in your raid is fucking terrible, and they DAMN sure dont have kara on farm.
It's called "I know how to play my class." and "Our tanks know how to tank." So I don't worry about pulling aggro, I just smash away at shit.

And yeah, they've got Kara cleared and clear it weekly. I just joined the other day, myself, but look at some of the other guildies:

The Armory
The Armory
That druid was the only real competition I had before I respecced, and yea, I beat him in DPS.

PS it was fun downing the Shade in 1 shot :lol:

Warlock with crafted gear would destroy you 600 ways from Sunday. Your gear is awful.

In PvP, absolutely. Even with CoS being OP'd, warlocks are e-z mode when it comes to PvP.

In PvE?
Here's our main lock
The Armory

And yeah, I beat him too.

PS Sensi my gear sucks but at least my guild leader knows what my role is :lol:

(hes the warrior I linked first)
hey LGBR are you still playing your awesome rogue who's decked out in greens and complaining about how youre the bottom of the food chain in BGs and need buffs with your 5k HP?

edit: oh yeah clearly you are. You're probably that annoying faggot in guild chat who think's he's gods gift to wow because he reads he's read some threads on EJ and knows some wow math but hasn't raided anything since MC or zul gurub.
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It's called "I know how to play my class." and "Our tanks know how to tank." So I don't worry about pulling aggro, I just smash away at shit.

And yeah, they've got Kara cleared and clear it weekly. I just joined the other day, myself, but look at some of the other guildies:

The Armory
The Armory
That druid was the only real competition I had before I respecced, and yea, I beat him in DPS.

PS it was fun downing the Shade in 1 shot :lol:

In PvP, absolutely. Even with CoS being OP'd, warlocks are e-z mode when it comes to PvP.

In PvE?
Here's our main lock
The Armory

And yeah, I beat him too.

PS Sensi my gear sucks but at least my guild leader knows what my role is :lol:

(hes the warrior I linked first)
thx for proving that you are in fact full of shit. lol jesus christ this is so funny it hurts.

lol @ your 'main' lock having less than 700 dmg
lol @ your 'main' tanks gear
lol @ you "out dpsing" a wetback smite priest

and just rofl @ you
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Call me crazy, but I think if I could afford spellpower enchant for my weapon, I'd probably splurge and get at least green-quality gems for my gloves. (lock)
Call me crazy, but I think if I could afford spellpower enchant for my weapon, I'd probably splurge and get at least green-quality gems for my gloves. (lock)

you would be crazy.

and yes when your main lock is using vendor bought gems, and you claim to have kara on farm, its fucking hilarious.
you act like kara is hard

news flash guys

kara is ubrs for tbc

ps trolling you all is so e-zzzzzz

but on a totally serious note im really regretting selling my old acct
but 1200 bucks was worth it

but on an even more serious note

since when did all you faggots think it was cool to play wow :lol:

i only play when i raid and when i do i do damned good

you guys must play more than ramatakhan to be all panty-bunched like this

plain and simple facts:
rogues should be on top
anyone that disagrees is a newb
gear doesnt mean shit
skill is not bind on equip

continue thinking being "good" or "geared" in wow makes you cool :rofl:
you act like kara is hard

news flash guys

kara is ubrs for tbc

ps trolling you all is so e-zzzzzz

but on a totally serious note im really regretting selling my old acct
but 1200 bucks was worth it

but on an even more serious note

since when did all you faggots think it was cool to play wow :lol:

i only play when i raid and when i do i do damned good

you guys must play more than ramatakhan to be all panty-bunched like this

plain and simple facts:
rogues should be on top
anyone that disagrees is a newb
gear doesnt mean shit
skill is not bind on equip

continue thinking being "good" or "geared" in wow makes you cool :rofl:
Seriously. When faced with facts on how he really has proven himself not to be a good rogue he:

1) Acts like the instance is easier than UBRS
2) Brags about how much he made selling a character
3) Laughs at how trollable we are and how lame wow is, while continuing to play
4) Equates us to Ramata, which used to be a bannable offense
5) Restates silly facts

Textbook forum post. /clap
thx for proving that you are in fact full of shit. lol jesus christ this is so funny it hurts.

lol @ your 'main' lock having less than 700 dmg
lol @ your 'main' tanks gear
lol @ you "out dpsing" a wetback smite priest

and just rofl @ you
My fucking *alt*, who isn't even keyed for Kara, has 73 more spelldamage than that lock... (and 6% more crit)
phew, for a minute i thought i was the only one thinking lgbr is a complete fucking retard. how can you honestly call my guild a scrub guild when you just linked me the most undergeared individuals who are "top dps" in your piece of shit karazhan guild. you said earlier "i love 1 shotting aran", HOLY SHIT YOU BRAG ABOUT KILLING AN EASY BOSS IN KARAZHAN! wow, you call yourself a good player in a good guild but yet not a single member has ANYTHING from any instance other than karazhan. grow the fuck up fgt

edit: my lock (which i NEVER play) has 89 more spell damage then your amazing dps haxed out lock.
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Sensi, i dont understand...why did you do that? You were ahead of the game and then you post that. Aran is far from the easiest boss in kara.