Roe v Wade set to be overruled by SCOTUS

Just for the record how many children do u have virginduz?
Three and probably at least one more before we're done.

Does that invalidate or validate my stance on not killing a thriving 9-month-old baby? Please tell us, we are at the edge of our seats.
I think you'd be surprised by how many people that have children think less positively about abortion
then, let's say
fags & lesbians & bis
Did he pay a single cent towards that child's upbringing?

I don't know the particulars. I have the idiots like him on ignore.

i mean 90% of his posts are just copy+paste from cael anyways
ppl like that always seemed excessively pathetic to me
Remember kids!

This is called "reproductive health care" ... even though there is nothing reproductive, healthy or apparently anyone who cares involved in it.
democrats have redefined:

murder / slaughter of the unborn as healthcare

butchering kids as gender re-assignment

totally balanced and normal people they are
Pro-life groups turn on Trump, and the reason why will sicken you...

..Trump was the most pre-life president of our lifetime.

During his term, President Trump defunded Planned Parenthood, signed the Mexico City Policy that prohibited foreign aid for abortions, nominated pro-life judges to the Supreme Court, and was vocal in his support for the rights of the unborn. His actions were recognized by many pro-life groups and individuals as having a significant impact on the pro-life movement...

So, why are these same pro-life groups who hailed Trump a hero suddenly abandoning him, now?...
One prominent pro-life organization, Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, is leading the charge against Trump. They have the audacity to demonize his stance on abortion: that it is an issue that should be left to the states....
The real reason that pro-life groups are rejecting or, at the very least, chilly toward Trump’s presidential ambitions is because his decisive action to repeal Roe ended their gravy train...Now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned, the pro-life movement in deep red states no longer serves a function. These states have already approved severe abortion restrictions, including total bans, and this means that Republican operatives who have benefited from pro-life campaigns may now face fewer opportunities for easy paychecks....

Trump was a real hero for the pro-life movement. He did more than Reagan, Bush Jr, and Bush Sr, which is saying a lot. He paved the way for even more gains in the post-Roe era. The 45th president’s pro-life record is seriously impressive. He’s done more for the movement than any other Republican politician, and any right-wing group that doesn’t give credit where credit is due or tries to twist his record should be shunned. We need to recognize the huge strides he made in protecting the rights of the unborn and work to continue that legacy by supporting his agenda.

stop trying to codify abortion at the federal level. President Trump is right. Let it play out in the states.
Make States Great Again and Defund the FED
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I don't think anyone fell for the states rights argument so ur free to try and ban it federally