RIP Nicodemus

I haven't gotten any shots
and I feel fucking GREAT!!
Do all you jabbers feel protected now?
well, Faulci has a goal post he's moving for you
in the coming months

you know the 'data' is changing daily
fael's hanging on his every word
as Faulci assess the new facts
everybody trusts him and the gov...
he is the highest paid gov employee... he must be good

Fauci is pretty powerful to convince the entire world that this is a big issue, plus making all those people die to support the cause. He also hates India.
Yeah well you need a license to drive a car, fish, hunt and many other things.

Those are "requirements" as well.

This is the world we live in and if I want to continue living a life these are the "requirements" I have to fulfill.

Be a conspiracy theorist if you wish idgaf. Keep that shit the fuck away from me.

Don't blame me blame the dumb bitch who ate a fucking bat that started this whole fucking mess.
Any of you see how easy it was for the State to take literal RIGHTS away from us and then turn them into privileges?
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor

Beaten, why for
Can't take much more
(Here we go, here we go, here we go now)

One, nothing wrong with me
Two, nothing wrong with me
Three, nothing wrong with me
Four, nothing wrong with me
I’m personally pro vax, but I support someone’s right to refuse it. I don’t think pier pressure sponsored by drug companies is very useful.

I was in the military a very long time, so getting shots is just something I’m used to and luckily I’ve never had a reaction. My dad is in his 80’s and I like going to see him, so I chose to be vaccinated to increase his odds. I’m not afraid of the virus or the vaccine. I really never get sick. Can’t even remember the last time I felt ill and I travel a lot.

what does it mean to be personally provax?

are you just saying you got vaxxinated? aka human cattle or guinea pig
First one is just system prep. Second one delivers the payload and the dna rewrite begins.

That fucks with the system so I advise a reboot as soon as possible to avoid possible anomalies following the completion of the rewrite