
btw ~MY BET~ is that the looters failed 2 break on thru 2 the finance side re: the register raids

those things r tuffer than most safes
these riots are a joke this is some amateur shit

I just watched some dudes spend 20 minutes trying to light a cop car on fire like cmon
Eugene, LA, Chicago, Portland, San Francisco, San Jose, MN, NY - Gee - what do these places have in common?
I have an awesome strategy - all of these towns need to open up with mace and non-lethal ammo if they spot anyone white on the streets. Just let those fuckers have it. It's about time we had some highlights of white people getting shot and beat. What are you waiting for? Let them have it. Spare the blacks, please. Leave them alone. Just shoot anyone white with rubber bullets and tasers, etc. Please! ;)
to be fair, I hate those fucking self checkouts as well

GG claw hammer dude

next time try using the other side to hit with tho

At least the jogger is holding the box right-side up.
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Jesus fucking christ. I went to the grocery store and the armored body plate section was empty. Can't we keep anything in stock?
There are so many good videos on /pol/ right now. That's where you need to be to be updated.

-Barr gave a speech saying the riots are organized and it's illegal to cross state lines to riot. Trump said the WH protest was organized. They know something.

-One video shows a pallet of bricks just laying on a sidewalk near a glass building, no construction anywhere.

-Antifa came out of the woodwork to riot everywhere.

-A white woman was seen last night trapped in a car with 3 blacks, in distress, and topless. Today she was found dead in a car.

-The black killed from being dragged by the FedEx truck was in between 2 trailors. Blacks kept on stealing packages, didn't care about him at all.