[Release Thread] Overwatch

I have a q. Why do most people use a different name on their gamertags? Don't you like your tribes nick enough to use it elsewhere or is it so no one can backtrace you to this wonderful place?
My bnet name is the same as my first character in WoW from 2005 :shrug:

Edit - This had me wondering why I even bother keeping a WoW toon's name. It's out and Atreides is in.
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Mines relatable to every tag I've used. furiousferret didn't seem like a very good name for Hearthstone. Still may change it.
I have a q. Why do most people use a different name on their gamertags? Don't you like your tribes nick enough to use it elsewhere or is it so no one can backtrace you to this wonderful place?

I never played Tribes, I was in the UT camp. My primary gaming handle used to be [VSK]BadCRC (VSK was my clan's name, Volunteer Serial Killers, the clan leader owned VSK Gaming Servers which some of you may remember, it was one of the biggest hosting companies in the late 90's early 2000's that did a lot of UT and other game hosting services), but when I came here everyone threw a fit over the name to the likeness of Bad_CRC (Who hasn't posted here in years).

So I was forced to name change, dropped the [VSK] tag altogether, I'm not fond of the name but it's what I go by here. I did the name change because everyone with a battle.net account got a free name change and I chose to use a name that I've used in WoW and what most of my WoW friends know me by - Swordless.
i was in a weekend stress test.
i don't think it ever went down, it was just hella laggy for an hour or two when they first opened things up.

open/preorder beta was totally fine, nothing even that bad.
It's much like TF2 but with less turtling to buld up Ubers as Ults in Overwatch are built much faster and you don't lose your charge upon death
I hope I don't have to redownload the client or anything, my box with a code is sitting at home apparently. It's funny that they'll mail me a box with the code for 20% off, but if I want to buy the game digitally I would have had to pay full price.

I have a q. Why do most people use a different name on their gamertags? Don't you like your tribes nick enough to use it elsewhere or is it so no one can backtrace you to this wonderful place?

mine used to be coombzy but I was ashamed to be trying Hearthstone so I changed it

My bnet name is the same as my first character in WoW from 2005 :shrug:

Edit - This had me wondering why I even bother keeping a WoW toon's name. It's out and Atreides is in.

I kept this name for years, eventually I moved over to one of my WoW toons. In some cases I use other WoW toon names but I usually stick to that main one.