[RELEASE]Panzer AutoAim Cheat Detection

Regardless of wether Mr. Dreamer is upset because ego is hurt or is a Cheat scripter trying to goad us into giving up the code of the program, the bottom line is that the community has once again beaten the developers and the employers of the devleopers in finding solutions to shortcuts and mistakes that they failed to account for before a world wide release. Hopefully, the upcoming patch will be a welcome and more professional solution to what we have accomplished so far. I realize that they are not responsible for "cheat" fixes however the decision on engine usage was an immeasureable factor in the problems we have experienced.

Congratulations on your sales figures......... :|
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TheDreamer said:
Yeah, of course not. That couldn't possibly be why you're so worried about everyone else having the same benefit as yourself.

Ok this is were you went from being smart to being a totally effing retarded member.

eM is a highly respected team and been around a long time. They have been working with other tribes outside of just eM on this project. TWL admins knew of this project as well so it was not a secrect to those who really mattered at the time it was being made.
TomcaT_ said:
Yogi: Wouldn't be suprised if it was. Kinda got that feeling, as for a while he was active in Legends too.

In any case, NoFix smurf or not, it's important to make info available to help stop the AA cheats when they're released. In this way he's done a favor to the community. The more minds understanding how the cheats work and looking at ways to block them the better IMHO. Getting upset about someone posting a detection application or someone posting info on how to detect a problem is bogus... Have cheat detections running on as many servers as possible... IMO it's like getting mad at McAfee for releasing virus detection because it forces virus makers to write a new virus.

By the same token, just causing trouble on the forums for the heck of it isn't good either, so NoFix smurf or not, no need to scream "cheater!" @ the elemental people either and cause a stir so to speak.

Just as PR24 said Tommy, and do not take this in an elitest way, the people who mattered were involved in the devleopment of this program, I realize that there are people who are better programmers and scripters out there but the main functionallity of this program is not through code at all,.... It is through trust, this has all relied on people we have trusted for a very long Time and will only work by a network of trust that has been created through us, twl admins, and most importantly, the server admins who are running our program.
TheDreamer said:
And you need to remember to read the thread before responding.

{A} PR24 said:
Ok this is were you went from being smart to being a totally effing retarded member.

eM is a highly respected team and been around a long time. They have been working with other tribes outside of just eM on this project. TWL admins knew of this project as well so it was not a secrect to those who really mattered at the time it was being made.

I read it, thanks.

Again, eM not the enemy.
Judgement and Decision Making

eM. > The Dreamer

Although I will give the dreamer this, his heart is in the right place.
We are upset that you let the cat outta the bag. That issue can be argued either way, no sense flaming each other over it.
Nuff said
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TheRoDent said:
Well done Dreamer. And don't let anyone saying "keep this secret" "ooh now they're gonna know" detract you from doing more.
What he's doing and what you did are two totally different things. He didn't post source code to an exploit and then try to act like some god by writing a program to prevent the use of his own publically disclosed cheat.

Unless of course "TheDreamer" is also "Panzer" I haven't seen him posting anything other than "fixes" for the problems known to exist. You're the kind of guy that tries to sell a car alarm to someone after busting out their windows and stealing their stereo.
Thanks for all the support guys ;)

I've also updated the build. Anyone with the old LINK can use THAT link to update their builds.

Equal Time:

To the whiners / noteriety whores...

Thanks for the laughs, it's been fun :)
Can someone clue me in on the signature for the latest Panzer? I've got one for 1.4. Or PM me a copy so I can get the signature myself. (It would be nice if you sent a copy to the BEML admins as well as the TWL ones.)
The two cheat forums where I previously found Panzer are not responding tonight. Now your first instinct might be to think that that's a good thing, but what it really means is that the roaches have disappeared under the refrigerator, and are no longer out in the light where we can identify them.
TheDreamer said:
Thanks for all the support guys ;)
Thank you for all the support!

Don't get the wrong impression, the real Tribes community thanks you, we just don't scream and cry as much as the efftards here.
Not taken in an elistest way Argon. Just realize that the person who provided the info to detect the cheat in the first place was Dreamer. This enabled the "trust network" to take action. Chicken and egg problem really.

Regardless of if the cheat detection method is known or not (moot point really since other people aside from Dreamer have pointed this out), it still makes the AA detectable until a newer version is released around it. Then the fight continues. In the meantime, people can clear cheaters out of the servers and reduce the imapct of the cheat apps for new players.

I realize an application for detecting cheats is part of the equation, but I think that open distribution of the applications for detection is more appropriate here, so that the people running servers who are outside of the competitions can do something about people cheating in the pubs. This makes it better for the general users new to Tribes too...
TheRoDent said:
And you are, as always a trolling fscktard. Where's your contribution? Shall we examine your little shrine of cheats? t-r-e-k-c-a-t?
Please tell me where you see cheats.
Shoddy said:
... in T2. The same might not hold for T:V. Also, you were probably talking over the course of a map. In CTF it's quite possible as a flag D with a speed pack chaining down someone coming right at you or moving directly away, to have pretty high accuracy for 20 bullets.

... in T2. The same might not hold for T:V. Also, you were probably talking over the course of a map. In CTF it's quite possible as a flag D with a speed pack chaining down someone coming right at you or moving directly away, to have pretty high accuracy for 20 bullets.

----> Actually, I was playing on one of teh VUG official servers one day with a friend, and had a guy chaining me to death in heavy armor from across the map. Naturally, I was suspicious. I watched him do this to almost everyone.
I even demo'd it. Then I accused the guy of cheating over public chat in-game. He replied that he was just using a speed pack and standing still and zooming. I thought there was no way - 'till I tried it to give him the benefit of the doubt. It can become EASY to chain across maps with the speed pack if you practice leading while zoomed - especially once you get used to it while jetting/skiing. I have been accused of autoaim twice this month on two different servers for doing it. So... give it a try before you start labeling skilled cg whores as cheaters (although we are a bit cheesy :)