Really cool looking flying car prototype.

Flying cars go mainstream when Google and company build driverless vehicles that can remove the human element from transport. Watching Blade Runner..... that gibberish he talked was city speak... gutter talk....a mishmash of Japanese, Spanish, German, what have you.

I'd never get into something that flies that isn't controlled by a person

Not putting my life in the hands of software. I know technically it happens a lot in life but not sitting in a thing piloted by stuff that can bsod or something and plummet to the ground
I'd never get into something that flies that isn't controlled by a person

Not putting my life in the hands of software. I know technically it happens a lot in life but not sitting in a thing piloted by stuff that can bsod or something and plummet to the ground

Imagine if they just had a backup system running in case of just such an event? ;)
most executive airports have rental cars on spot. so you can get similar mobility with similar convenience already at a similar price point.