Real Sports - League of Legends


Veteran XX

could anyone have imagined even 3 years ago that arenas like Staples Center would sell out in minutes for something like this?

Or that there would be tournaments with 7-figure payouts?

Or that daily online viewership would be rivaling one of America's major sports leagues?

Crazy how fucking fast this is growing. Twitch is right on the forefront of it and has really facilitated this ridiculous growth

we can laugh at the nerds all we want but they're the ones pulling in 6-figures from winnings, endorsements and streaming revenue...all the while generating a legion of fans

right this minute there is ONE guy playing LoL with 36 thousand viewers. He's not even playing in a major tourney...he's just playing regular ladder games.

crazy shit man...makes me think I was born a generation too early. I coulda got in on this shit.
Now I'm in my 30's and I suck at games
Can't stand MOBAs, but I'm all for big hype around esports. I'm hoping CSGO gains more of a following in the US as the premiere competitive FPS.
lol is not hype

a bunch of fighting game dudes got kicked out for being too loud

they only want you to get hype when they say so
I'm waiting for when people that surf facebook start calling themselves athletes, and people that play League Of Legends will reply, "pfft, that's not a REAL sport, cmon."
hilarious how brutal they are at the beginning. its like they have to distance themselves from covering this subject.
crazy shit man...makes me think I was born a generation too early. I coulda got in on this shit.
Now I'm in my 30's and I suck at games

Of all the things I wish I could of been, being a basement dwelling nerd who plays video games 15 hours a day isn't one of them.