Real News Reporting


Veteran XV

Seemed like a pretty honest reporting of an event. There is a subtle undertone in society today with cops acting tougher and tougher.

Even if you don't agree with the protesters views, they are still allowed to protest.
NYPD cop outted for pepper-spraying protesters

Hacktivists with Anonymous have identified the NYPD officer that pepper sprayed female protester as Deputy Inspector Anthony Bologna, a long time veteran of the force. In a video of the ongoing demonstrations from last week that has since gone viral, a white-shirted officer believed to be Bologna uses mace on a group of roped off non-violent protesters without provocation only to then walk away. As the clip has accumulated thousands of views in the days since, activists around the globe have sought out the identity of the assailant. A blogger has since blown up a still photo from the incident and has reason to believe that the officer in question is Bologna.

It’s now been unearthed that this hasn’t been the only incident between Bologna and protesters, however. During the 2004 Republican National Convention, Bologna allegedly infringed on the civil rights of protesters demonstrating against George W Bush. A suit against the officer and another was filed back in 2007 and is finally expected to be heard in 2012.

The trouble for Bologna doesn’t stop there, either. Since his identity has been made public, the members of the online activist collective Anonymous have posted several personal details pertaining to the officer with a warning that other members of law enforcement should be careful of who they mess with.

“As we watched your officers kettle innocent women, we observed you barberically [sic] pepper spray wildly into the group of kettled women,” reads a note posted on September 26 by an online user aligned to Anonymous. “We were shocked and disgusted by your behavior.You know who the innocent women were, now they will have the chance to know who you are.Before you commit atrocities against innocent people, think twice. WE ARE WATCHING!!! Expect Us!”

From there, phone numbers and addresses for Anthony Bologna are listed, as well as his alma matter and the names of alleged family members.

if it was a guy that had got pepper sprayed for shaking the fence or raising his hand towards a cop no1 wuld be care

but because this girl got hit and put her arm in the air and screamed like she was dying it is suddenly a grave injustice

misandry @ work
Well, did you watch the video? It was pretty unprovoked, even the cops holding the fence were looking at each other like "wtf, why did he do that?".
i watched it an it was really blurry and didnt even focus on that particular spot

any1 making assumptions about what happened or what was said is an idiot

from both sides
maybe the cop's should be the ones joining the protesters: This is from last year. The tough-guy mentality is so indoctrinated into some police they don't even know whose side they are on.

City's Unions Demand Right to Sue Wall Street for Lost Pensions -

MANHATTAN — New York City’s teachers, police and firefighters lost billions of dollars in pension funds in the Wall Street crash, and now they want Albany to give them the right to sue to reclaim them.
if u trust cops or defend them in anyway u r a fucking moron plain and simple

pigs will do anything in their power to secure an arrest and to make it look like they are helping to produce convictions

they do not care if you are innocent or guilty

its more about whether u fit a bunch of checkboxes that their ged educated asses can tick off on their clip boards as justifying charges or not

in short

kill all pigs
Too bad they did not have CCW in that area. The cops might have thought twice about being so abusive to these citizens.
That wasn't journalism, sorry. That was bullshit masquerading as journalism, which is the WORST kind of propaganda. When you have a political agenda, and you promulgate it under the guise of journalism, you're an asshole. Sorry, but that guy was as bad as FOX news--yeah, I said it. Part of being progressive and liberal, left, et cetera is that we examine things without emotion, we look at the facts and decide where to go based on the evidence we see. If we're going to be arrogant about it, and say that's what differentiates us from the neocons, that's what makes us a better choice than them, then we also have to recognize that this guy is just a follower, another crazy that has aligned himself with the left for the wrong reasons. He's an asshole.
I wonder if you even watched one of the hundreds of videos about that matter.
Judging by what you just said, probably not.

You should go back to drinking. Worked well for you so far.
They would get on the "Real News" if the protesters looked and dressed like this.
