RCMP makes good money

Animo said:
Actually that aint bad for the doctors up there in canada according to that source
Less than they would make in the US but then it isn't all about the money. But it does seem unfair that someone with much less education can make more money. But when was the world ever fair? I have 7 years of education a degree and a diploma and I am currently looking for work. I could have gone into the trades and been making 25 dollars to start for one year of schooling which would have been less work than the two years for my diploma and far less work then my 4 year degree which I took 5 years to complete.

hell my sister went to school for 18 months for a nursing program and she is making 18 bucks an hour. I was making 11 at my internship...
Tell your sister to move to the US. $60k year, guaranteed for an RN.

As for you orbital, how about the gas station?
Those public union like the cops have got us by the short and curlies.
In Canada the doctors are unionized too and I they fuk the taxpayer up the arse.
I was reading that anesthisiologists make $350K/year.

That's a fukn ripoff.

Everytime a wage negotiation comes up, they point to the fact that
"They are not at the top of the list and why aren't we being valued?" waa waa waaa

Then ofcourse they get a 5-10% wage increase.

No wonder our taxes are so damn high. These public unions should be stripped
of their negotitation rights. US doctors should be told enuf is enuf! The economic raping is over.
james said:
Actually in a 100% capitalist/free market economy its all about evolution and survival for those health care companies.

Organizations who bog themselves down in paperwork and red tape will lose money and not be successful. People will not want to pay higher rates for poor service and will go to a company who can provide better service at a lower cost.

Look at the cell phone market for example. Users have a great choice in the providers they can choose from and a wide selection in the cell phone models they can buy. This keeps cell phone service providers keeping service excellent while providing new (hopefully exclusive) features such as DirectConnect or multimedia messaging or wireless web/email at a lower cost than their competitors.

It is about freedom of choice.

Well, the fallacy of the Capitalistic system is that it relies upon growth. And when you live on a planet with limited resources, you tend to run into problems.