[QI] Season K for Kickass

Unrelated to this thread I saw the first episode of the 5th season the other day. I have never seen the show before and don't usually enjoy British stuff, but this was great (I do enjoy Stephen Fry). I'll have to get caught up on some older episodes while season 5 gets built up :)
Awesome, QI and the XL thread are back!

Unrelated to this thread I saw the first episode of the 5th season the other day. I have never seen the show before and don't usually enjoy British stuff, but this was great (I do enjoy Stephen Fry). I'll have to get caught up on some older episodes while season 5 gets built up :)

I think they are all on youtube now (make sure you use XL in your query as they're 50% longer), and this is season 11.
i fucking wish the USA would buy the fucking rights for seasons a-j
fuck sake
Never gonna happen. Clearing the rights to all the pictures/clips shown on the screens would be a gargantuan task.

edit: plus let's face it, america (fuck yeah!) is too dumb and stuck-up for a show like QI.
its too expensive to clear the copyright is what the 4 channels that have looked into it have said

though i think there is a big audience here for it if they just gave it a fucking chance man
its too expensive to clear the copyright is what the 4 channels that have looked into it have said

though i think there is a big audience here for it if they just gave it a fucking chance man

The people that want to watch it know where to find it. The other 0.00001% that would like it but only watch cable can suck it.