
i did the TW pumpkin several years back let me dig out a pic.

But before i do jsut so you know. its too early to carve. that shit will be all rotten by the time its Halloween.

which brings me to something else i was gonna start a thread but no need now. Is there anything you can do home remedy wise to make a pumpkin last longer?

i wonder if i can spray paint a pumpkin ?

i want to do something like this one

but make it a zombie eating the brains of another pumpkin
I drew on mine, and when its 4 days before Halloween I'll decide to carve it.

im thinking of carving mine the day of jsut cause if i plan on using the innards for effect that stuff wont last long at all.

which gets back to the question what could i use to keep the pumpkin and its innards from rotting ?
ironically i just watched a episode of unwrapped on pumpkins.

if you soak it in water for a few hours it supposedly gets better if its starting to wilt and get rotten, they also suggest cutting the hole out from the bottom instead of the top, and they recommend scrapping out the insides and living about 1 inch of surface area.
anyone know what that stuff that they spray on food to make it hard. you see it when they display some food at some places.