psychedelic drugs are good for you

nice read Goshin. you ever read Acid Dreams? pretty good book about the history and culture of acid

really no surprise to me at all that LSD given in a structured setting spurred innovation. it's really common sense- you think outside the box.

too bad society is so paranoid about it. rather than innovate they rather consume alcohol and be sheep. :p
rooster retard those articles are talking about giving micro dosages of the drugs

u cant even feel them at those dosages

they act neurogenic just like an ssri at that dosage and are not psychadelic
Watched DMT - the spirit molecule yet again. I find it fascinating to say the least.
Luckily my next huasca trip isn't too far off.
dmt is great at non ego death doses like rolling it in ur joints etc

was mixing with weed for a long time like 100s of times

would go sk8ing or jogging with my shirt off with it

the ego death shit from dmt tho is just insane

once those machine elves or angels or watever the fuck they are catch up to u it is the some of the scarier shit i kno of
You just scaredy cat.
Angels real nice with their honey tongues and piercing stares.

EDIT: and yea was scared out of my ass too. but acting brave infront of TW crew.