[PS4] Playstation 4

maybe it will make consoles become pc compatible and just become steam boxish themselves, with a worse selection since they dont have steam
I also think that could happen. if anything, steam box will just place digital distribution at the forefront and we will no longer buy disc-based content.
you dumb boy? by cloud they mean netflix/steam. they mean digital delivery. like apple's appstore or googles play store. its critical for any multimedia platform

sony/m$ are betting that eventually (a few years down the line) we'll see whats currently happening with movie/tv shows happen to games. people will want instant access from their couch, streamed to their set without having to go to the store. right now bandwidth doesnt support that for games but eventually it will

thats all they mean by cloud

oh well thats not cloud lol... fuckin term is overabused these days
ive talked with happy about this kinda stuff many times before

hes shitting on cloud and what he thinks are dumb executives making big + wrong decisions

well it would be epic fail if they did go the onlive route... or if they are and u misread something. and dont think big co's cant make dumb decisions... they do it all the time. like THQ of udraw fame. sony is doing it now in other areas such as the dumb touch shit on that controller. nintendo with wiiU...
My thoughts for a successful Console.

-Bring in a mouse and keyboard as the default user interface controller and just have the pad for actually playing games.
- add leapmotion and oculus rift support
-forget streaming, just make it like steam, download and play, or to make it better downloadable in sections so you don't always need to download the whole game to get playing.
-1 free game a month, disabled after that month!
-integration of all or a couple of the mobile marketplaces: Android, Apple and Windows Marketplace
-A test vibration feature...
You realise that one of the major selling points for consoles is that you can use a controller to do everything. You can't play sports games without a controller. Having to keep a k+m around to do stuff is just a pain in the ass.

I seriously don't understand the pro PC guys.

The reasons consoles are successful is due to the convenience of using them, no upgrades, no k+m, no installations, no start up, no performance tuning.
yep never have 2 install games to my ps3 or wait for it to load or wait for updates lol

consoles are much simpler to use and much cheaper (for the box itself anyway) but they have sets of problems of their own (the games even come out w/ bugs now which means the devs must be getting lazier and dumber with every release) and fail very hard in most categories outside of ease of use compared 2 modern pc
I think with the amount of money I saved on games on the PC more than paid for my laptop two-fold likely. Usually don't have to wait long after release, or shit, pre-orders on some site can easily turn into half off. Compared to consoles ...
You realise that one of the major selling points for consoles is that you can use a controller to do everything. You can't play sports games without a controller. Having to keep a k+m around to do stuff is just a pain in the ass.

I seriously don't understand the pro PC guys.

The reasons consoles are successful is due to the convenience of using them, no upgrades, no k+m, no installations, no start up, no performance tuning.
A simple format promotes a simple game control style. Complexity is easy to accommodate with a keyboard and mouse, more control surfaces = more options, finer control, and you can even pair it up with a USB controller if you prefer that option.

I can use my bluetooth keyboard with my PS3 but I'd never even think to use it for gaming, there is no advantage to it over a control, I can't do anything that the controller can't already do because the game was made to be simple. Why add more controls than you can fit on your standard dozen+ button dual joystick piece of plastic?

I've played tribes aa on console, the controls sucked. There is a reason it was such a great game with the keyboard+mouse... more control.