[PS3] Mobile Suite Gundam - youtube video (wow)

Kachu said:
Every person I know that has the option to turn off their vibration on their controler does. Vibration is way overated.

er.. what?

i don't know anyone who turns it off.

Your the first person i have heard of that bothers to turn it off. sure plenty of people/games don't need it for the full experience, but to bother to turn it off? nope.
I turn it off when I use my wireless controller to save on batteries.

Otherwise I leave it on.

btw i have a box of 36 batties, cost 9.95 (Aussie). Two out of it last about 16-17 (at least, if not well over 20) hours on the 360 with vibrate on.
Kachu said:
Every person I know that has the option to turn off their vibration on their controler does. Vibration is way overated.

Wow, thats a lot of bullshit for such few words. You have talent!
Reggs said:
Wow, thats a lot of bullshit for such few words. You have talent!

well hell is now set to freeze over.

that is the third time reggs and i have agreed in a month.