[PS3] Mobile Suite Gundam - youtube video (wow)

Beef Welington said:
Do you even hear yourself talk or watch what you type? ......
I wouldn't care if it was Sony, Microsoft, Sega, Nintendo, etc. I'm not going to buy something that costs that much because then it will just allow the companies to think it is reasonable to sell their products at that price.

If you don't realize it, if the PS3 is successful at launch then the standard release price for future console generations will be closer to that range in the future.

Also, if I wanted to bash companies I would bash Sony for being connected to Sony BMG.

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Kharn353 said:
I wouldn't care if it was Sony, Microsoft, Sega, Nintendo, etc. I'm not going to buy something that costs that much because then it will just allow the companies to think it is reasonable to sell their products at that price.

If you don't realize it, if the PS3 is successful at launch then the standard release price for future console generations will be closer to that range in the future.

Also, if I wanted to bash companies I would bash Sony for being connected to Sony BMG.

Fuck man, give it up. You clearly know nothing about the market, pricing concepts, or anything regarding money in general. First of all, it's absolutely the oldest story on the planet that Sony's products cost more than identical ones from other companies. Get over it. Sony's actually ALLOWED to do that, because they've taken the time to build brand recognition. Deal with it.

Secondly, PS3's price, while shocking to many people, isn't surprising in the least. In fact, I completely agree with Kutaragi that the price is LOWER than it should be if you were simply looking at the components. But there's much, much more to the PS3 than the components. But let's look at them for arguments sake:

The Cell processor: One of the fanciest, most expensive to manufacture, complicated, and intricate processor designs in the consumer market. Aside from the hype, the research and development money that went into designing cell (and mind you, it's not just Sony, but also Toshiba pouring billions into this) is more than you can possibly fathom. They've put a lot of time into this ridiculous processor, and it shows. Whether its necessary or not, they've got the damn thing in the PS3 just like everybody wanted, and that alone bumps up the price by about a hundred. But you get those visuals every Sony fan demands.

Blu-Ray: Gamers might despise Sony for adding the damn thing and making the PS3 cost what it does, but for Sony to continue existing in its current form rather than reverting to a simple TV and walkman manufacturer, they need Blu-Ray to win. They've been through the hardest of hard times, and PS3 is going to make or break them completely. Blu-Ray is a format they've made, it isn't any more evil than HD-DVD, and even has advantages over it, and its a smart move, not an evil one, to add a player into the console. Nothing is ever what it seems at face value, and the PS3 is no longer a videogame system, but a complete media entertainment system.

Now, if you want to play games and nothing else on your videogame console, you and Sony disagree fundamentally. So don't buy one. Great. But for many people, a single device that takes care of all things media and entertainment is going to be a very welcome addition to the TV room. And at 600 dollars, it's not a bloated device that costs too much, it's almost an unbelievable bargain. People are saying that you can get a 360 and a wii for the same price, but Sony's not trying to make a 360 and a wii.

So I'm saying it again. If you don't want that item, don't buy that item. But stop worrying about what that company is doing regarding that item. If other people buy the item and it is a success and then that company's competitors mimic the PS3's approach, then you're going to be SOL. But at the same time, it will basically mean that your opinion regarding what should be done is flat-out WRONG.

The goal of a company is not to give its customers what they want. The goal of a company is to gather as many customers as possible and thus sell as many widgets as possible. If that means giving the customers what they want, then so be it. But if it means ignoring the desires of a minority (gaming fanatics) in order to please the demands of the majority (shmucks who want a universal media system), it's just going to happen and you're just going to have to deal with it.

But don't worry, because the way it looks right now, Sony's misinterpreted the market and they're going to fail. PS3 has a lukewarm reception both among the shmucks and the gaming fanatics, so currently its got a pretty tiny projected user base composed of tech freaks and Sony fanboys. So enjoy the knowledge that big mean Sony's going to go under and millions of people will be laid off in a matter of months when the company collapses. Enjoy knowing that all of their hopes and aspirations as a corporate entity will probably soon be crushed before their eyes as Blu-Ray loses support and PS3 tanks with lackluster titles and poorly formed ideas.

But for the love of god, stop fucking complaining about a product that isn't even targeting you as a goddamn customer.
Re-enact real wars - heres a giant crab. LOL

Anyone notice that retarded move b y sony?
plasma TVs are prone to burn-in from video games (static HUDs and scoreboards)

good luck w/that and all, maybe it wont happen to you
Travelyan said:
plasma TVs are prone to burn-in from video games (static HUDs and scoreboards)

good luck w/that and all, maybe it wont happen to you
Yeah, if you bought a 1st generation plasma TV you're in trouble. If you bought a 2nd generation plasma TV you're in less trouble. If you bought anything in the last 2-3, maybe 4 years you have no danger of burn-in. It's a thing of the past, though it sucks for early adopters.
Beef Welington said:
But don't worry, because the way it looks right now, Sony's misinterpreted the market and they're going to fail. PS3 has a lukewarm reception both among the shmucks and the gaming fanatics, so currently its got a pretty tiny projected user base composed of tech freaks and Sony fanboys. So enjoy the knowledge that big mean Sony's going to go under and millions of people will be laid off in a matter of months when the company collapses. Enjoy knowing that all of their hopes and aspirations as a corporate entity will probably soon be crushed before their eyes as Blu-Ray loses support and PS3 tanks with lackluster titles and poorly formed ideas. ...

Well said.
im sonys target demographic and even im not paying 600 for that thing. i learned my lesson after 3do

and those of you who know me know im no fanboi of any company. i buy it all (usually)
AkumA said:
Re-enact real wars - heres a giant crab. LOL

Anyone notice that retarded move b y sony?


pssst... they botched the processor :D
The first blu-ray standalone players are gonna cost around $1000, the ps3 is $600. Seems like a good deal to me. Sure if you don't need a blu-ray player and high-def graphics you should stick to 360 and wii.
John Rambo said:
The first blu-ray standalone players are gonna cost around $1000, the ps3 is $600. Seems like a good deal to me. Sure if you don't need a blu-ray player and high-def graphics you should stick to 360 and wii.
reminder: 360 is hi def.

so the selling point is actually "if you need a blu ray player".

it will take a long time to build a worthy library. if the format survives.....

unlike PSP.

and Betamax.

and miniCD.


poor sony :(
gt4 hd was running at 1080p
and blu-ray will win this battle, no doubt about it, it has the better specs, holds more data and has more supporters
John Rambo said:
gt4 hd was running at 1080p
and blu-ray will win this battle, no doubt about it, it has the better specs, holds more data and has more supporters
well if JOHN RAMBO is convinced...

but seriously, im not going to make any prediction on something like a dvd format war. but sony loses on the name recognition.
Hmm, is Joe Consumer going to buy something called HDDVD or Blueray? Is it...

"OMG, It's HDDVD, It'll go with our brand new HDTV."


"OMG, It's Blueray...will that work with our brand new HDTV?"

You decide.