Proving faith once you cheated

Even though every person in this thread is telling him that. Some (most) from experience he'll think he's the exception not the rule.

He'll drag this out god knows how much longer. God help her if he does convince her to get married. she'll never be happy. Of course he's fairly selfish and manipulative so he probably wont care.

Sounds like my idea of a perfect happy life.
It's so fucked up that people won't believe that someone can change. I have been amazing to her once I realized that I truely love her, which means her well being goes in front of me. People learn from mistakes, and she believes that too until now. She's trying to figure out a way to prove this is all false as well. I knew the trust would very slowly come back, and it has, but then there always has to be a doubt or situation like this to come up.
It's so fucked up that people won't believe that someone can change. I have been amazing to her once I realized that I truely love her, which means her well being goes in front of me. People learn from mistakes, and she believes that too until now. She's trying to figure out a way to prove this is all false as well. I knew the trust would very slowly come back, and it has, but then there always has to be a doubt or situation like this to come up.

Had you not fucked another chick in the first place there wouldn't be doubt. Had you not fucked another chick in the first place if something like this came up she would have asked about it, you would have denied it and end of story.

I don't doubt you can change, again this isn't about you. it's about her. Stop thinking only of yourself, only about what you want and what you need. What's best for you..
she will never really trust you again. She might say she does but trust me if you stick it out she will allways remember what you did and allways be on the lookout and expecting you to cheat again.
OP, you sound about 20-22? You sound very naive about how these things work. You don't want to believe what anyone here is telling you, so you'll have to learn the hard way again. Just like when you completely fucked up this relationship in the first place.

If you do actually love her, you'll let her go so she can find someone she'll be happy with and deserves her trust. Lessons learned for the next "serious" relationship.
ahh yeah he does sound rather young...

You can work through shit though... I had a similar experience with my wife and we have been together for 15 years or so now. But I still to this day get shitted on over what I did.
Girls never forget. They never forgive.

If they say they do, they're lying to you or to themselves.
Sorry bro, but you're fucked.

Once you cheat and are caught / fess up. That will haunt you forever. She'll never totally trust you again. She'll either question your every move. Check your phone, read your email, follow you, or whatever to ease her mind or she'll bottle it up inside until she either cheats herself or dumps your dumb ass.

Even if you somehow convince her you're faithful, every time this comes up (and it will come up again and again) you'll chip a little bit more of that confidence away.

You've fucked this relationship up. Your best bet for happiness for you and her is to move along and remember the lessons learned here.

I hate to sound like a jackass but this is from personal experience. Once that trust has been broken, it rarely if ever gets rebuilt.

I'm 23, good call. And like I said, this is not just about me, we both want this more than anything. And if this is meant to be there has to be a way to prove that this is all complete bullshit.
Girls never forget. They never forgive.

If they say they do, they're lying to you or to themselves.

That isn't true about the forgive part. It's absolutely true about the forget part. yeah the forgive part not so much.
I'm 23, good call. And like I said, this is not just about me, we both want this more than anything. And if this is meant to be there has to be a way to prove that this is all complete bullshit.

Dude, you say we want this. But I wonder how true that statement is. I can't help but think maybe just maybe she's telling you that while she tries to figure this out for herself. Or, you're only hearing what you want to hear.

If she really wanted to fix this, then this hole mess wouldn't have been an issue.

This isn't trolling or being a dick. But for fucks sake man, cut her loose or at the very least take a HUGE step back and try to rebuild from there. Go back to dating, or some other early stage in the relationship.

Sounds pretty foolish, but no more foolish then thinking there's anything you're gonna do to fix this. You broke it, but only she can fix it.
This isn't trolling or being a dick. But for fucks sake man, cut her loose or at the very least take a HUGE step back and try to rebuild from there. Go back to dating, or some other early stage in the relationship.

this is probably all that you can do to help it
Have you thought about making a youtube doing something totally degrading (decided upon by tribalwarriors) in penance for your wrong doings?
Time is all, man. You fucked up. The fact that she's willing to stay with you shows she has self-esteem issues or is super naive, so you'll probably be able to manipulate her into staying with you for a good while longer, maybe forever!
