Proud dad thread!


Veteran XX
We took my 3 and a half year old son to the gaming booths at the local easter egg hunt on Saturday. He wanted to try the "throw the ball thru the hole game". We didn't think he'd hit the plywood, let alone make the ball go through the hole.

Pardon the loud "wow"s coming from me. :)

And here's my trademark salute!

Incoming emo letters from FngrBANG.

P.S. that video was awesome :eek:
buy him a hat and glove immediately

this is your ticket to doing nothing for the rest of your life once hes old enough for the majors
Haha. I don't care what anyone says, that video puts a smile on my face every time I see it. :)
No that's Reggsy
No, sorry.

over 50% of TW sings the same tune as you...

Which tells me quite a bit about the perceptions of this board...


Now stop stealing the thunder from Kali's kid you homos!
Hahahah... awesome vid, he has quite the arm in the making.

Get him in a uni now... don't you want to retire early?