Profound question.

I have a hard time picturing the average group of 6 year olds continuing the attack after they get hit in the head with their buddies intestines....
Tribalbob said:
nah, see

i've fought like five 6 year olds at once before. they're not that smart. when you kill the first one, the rest will run away.

they don't run at you in groups, they come 1, 2 at a time usually. you just knock them down, and their friends will stand back. they don't like jumping over fallen comrades, so they wait til their friend gets back up and moves out of the way before attacking.

even then, 6 year olds are pretty fucking weak. they could probably pound on you all day without doing much besides making you sore.'ve what?
of course the easy way out of this is not to beat them down.

just when they get close enough poke thier eye out, or yank it out all kill bill style.

you shove your thumb far enough in anyone's eye and they will run away.
Wait a minute.
TW Matrix fight only instead of agent smith, we are fighting 6 year olds?

Does anyone find this a little bit TOO geeky?
i would prolly last until one of them hit me in the nuts, then i'd go downand they would pile themsleves on top. other than that i dont see how
it depends, are they girls?

you'd have to be pretty careful if you're being attacked by 10 kids all at once, especially if they all try to hit you in the...

ah hell, why bother with such idiocies? what channel is "professional" wrestling on again?
all id do is pick them up one by one and bite out their necks

then id get bloodlust +2 and then id do it twice as fast


o and after i killed enough of them id pry out their bones and make a curb with them so i could curb the rest
I have a 5 year old....6 year olds are not much bigger....

i am 5'11" and 260lbs

i'll pick one up and swing it around hitting the others till it falls apart...then i'll pick up a new one....i don't think it will be difficult to make a mushy paste on the floor
potshot5 said:
i'd have to go with 5 if they were really pissed off

wtf pussy :lol:

it'd take atleast 20 really motivated ones to take me down. and that's only if i wasn't really fighting to survive. i've never really had to fight for survival so i can't say how many i could take in a situation like that.
I can't help but picture the serious amount of ass kicking this kind of scenario would be.

*punch* kid goes flying
*kick to the head* kid just drops to the floor
*linebacker type charge* bowl through 20 kids
All the while yelling as loud as you can as you run and do a dragon kick into a pack of 20 kids.