Pro life folks

Are you aware of the health risks of pregnancy and abortion?

Do you think that any woman who is aware of those risks would prefer to use abortion as a contraceptive as opposed to birth control pills or condoms?

Yes. Seen it before...a LOT.
I wouldn't call a rebuilt car or reconstructive surgery an ideal state.
Those are extreme examples, and kinda besides the point.

The point is that you're entitled to remedy, a best effort to undo the damage. You're not forced to go around with the semi-broken car and dislocated limbs that the accident originally left you with.
You're not entitled to that at all. And it's existence does not absolve you of the initial assumption of risk.
Why does Amadeus always resort to retarded fucking analogies? Listen idiot, we're not talking about car accidents we're talking about butchered human babies at various stages of development, purely done for the convenience of irresponsible women.

Not only is your analogy stupid and disrespectful, it doesn't even make any sense. Stop being a twat.
i guess i need to start a pregnancy/baby/abortion insurance company. just go ahead and buy the insurance, man and woman, so when an accident occurs, if the man is blamed and sued for child support, he can use his deductible. also, you can murder the innocent unborn baby too with your deductible to pay for the abortion and fix your car.. err.. problem.
yall still b puttn 2 much fukn thot in2 dis chit
ded abortd babeez r liberal progressiv demoRAT scumfux so mun very fukn glad dem dyin n allowd 2 b killt in womb yall b thinkn bouttit 2 much ded babeez r ded liberal scumfux ok smdh lol :jester:
Oh how the goal posts move. Roe v Wade was pinned on viability of the child living outside of the womb. Roe used a trimester measure of time. As science progresses and measures and medicine improve the discussion changes.

As has become new progressive norm, they move further away from science and more to minority rights.

Children are always a great weapon to use against opponents. I thought it was weird where I grew up that all the poor families in my grade school had 5 kids. Mother told me that's because the max number of children you could get gov't benefits for was 5. As I got older I wondered if they took more care after the 5th kid or if abortion cured that 6th kid problem.

The benefit of abortion is very well known and apparent. Gotta change a lot more things than just abortion to fix the issue.

Why aren't abortions promoted as a climate change solution?
You sound like a grandpa telling his kids sex is wrong before marriage and you don't need computers as they rot your brain. Abortion is a normal part of society, religions are just desperately clinging to it as a point of difference before they fade into irrelevance.

You must realise you're viewpoint is slowly but surely being surpassed?

Except sex is wrong before marriage. Well computers are nice and all but has been constantly wired helped humanity more than it has hurt it? Social media zombies much?

There is nothing "normal" about killing children. Without religions civilizations collapse. When the religion is a literal death cult civilizations collapse faster. Religions will never fade into irrelevance.

Surpassed? Hardly. If anything the very subject has opened eyes to what the proverbial Devil really is. Evil which brings forth Death.
So, by your logic, it's morally wrong. Two points. Not everyone shares the same morals. Morally wrong does not mean illegal.

One of the biggest founding principals of this country is that law and justice are based on reason - not on religion - which is the source of morals. If you want to live in a place where morality defines law you should go live in afganistan under the Taliban, or any other place where sharia law is enforced. Unfortunately Tehvul, you'd be thrown off a building.

Action's do have consequences, and the mother, has to live with them for their rest of her life. So does the father, and so does society. The baby can be in hell for never having been saved.

Correct. Killing children is morally wrong.
Point 1: Astute observation
Point 2: Abortion is morally wrong and illegal.
Georgia became the fourth state to enact the ban on abortions after a fetal heartbeat can be detected. (Bob Andres/Atlanta Journal-Constitution)

Except the capability of possessing logic and reason are gifts of God. You should actually read the Constitution.
Read it. All of it. Word for word. YEAR OF OUR LORD

No need to live in a heathen land where I would be thrown off a roof. I live in the God given best Republic ever. The great United States of America. Furthermore I perfectly capable of throwing myself off a roof. Been there done that. Broken color bone and a collapsed lung. Was back at work a week later. Big deal. Murica in action. Hit the ground, get right back up, and build some more.

The rest of your statement is like most of your statement. Pilpul. Thanks for playing. Feel free to try again when you have better educated yourself.

i guess i need to start a pregnancy/baby/abortion insurance company. just go ahead and buy the insurance, man and woman, so when an accident occurs, if the man is blamed and sued for child support, he can use his deductible. also, you can murder the innocent unborn baby too with your deductible to pay for the abortion and fix your car.. err.. problem.

What kinda deductible for child support you talking about? Deductible here is around $250 for everyone if a deer hits you.
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yall still b puttn 2 much fukn thot in2 dis chit
ded abortd babeez r liberal progressiv demoRAT scumfux so mun very fukn glad dem dyin n allowd 2 b killt in womb yall b thinkn bouttit 2 much ded babeez r ded liberal scumfux ok smdh lol :jester:
yall still b puttn 2 much fukn thot in2 dis chit
ded abortd babeez r liberal progressiv demoRAT scumfux so mun very fukn glad dem dyin n allowd 2 b killt in womb yall b thinkn bouttit 2 much ded babeez r ded liberal scumfux ok smdh lol :jester:
Why does Amadeus always resort to retarded fucking analogies? Listen idiot, we're not talking about car accidents we're talking about butchered human babies at various stages of development, purely done for the convenience of irresponsible women.

Not only is your analogy stupid and disrespectful, it doesn't even make any sense. Stop being a twat.
Would you grant responsible women the right to abortion? What's your metric for responsibility, and how do you prove that a given pregnancy has met the required level to allow for an abortion?
There's a quote (Mark Twain?) out there that goes something along the lines of "There's no zealot like the recently converted". I think it needs to be updated to "recently reinvented".