[Pro Gaming] Frag Dolls win first pro event


Veteran X
Dee womenz are taking over!!!

GameSpot said:
The battle of the sexes is heating up in the predominantly male sector of gaming. A four-person team from the Frag Dolls--an all-female collective of gamers--took first place at the Rainbow Six Vegas finals at the Dallas stop of the Cyberathlete Professional League.

The team, sponsored by Ubisoft, included Amy "Valkyrie" Brady, Emily "Seppuku" Ong, Alyson "Calyber" Craghead, and Nelly "Psyche" Morel. The squad beat the previously undefeated "The Unknown" team, who made it to the competition through an online ladder.

While Ubisoft touts the victory as "the first time an all-female team has won a tournament at a pro-circuit event," Frag Doll Morgan "Rhoulette" Romine was a bit more cautious. In her blog post about the achievement, she repeats the above statement but precludes it with "as far as we know."

"The team has been playing Rainbow Six Vegas up to 12 hours a day since the game came out," said Rhoulette. "We played as a team, communicated well, stuck to our strategies and won."

Pics - http://www.gamespot.com/news/6163545.html
I've never seen a single female nearly as hot as any of those girls be remotely good at a video game. This has to some type of marketing scheme for Ubisoft. I guess anyone can be the best at video games if they play enough and they're paid enough.
I've never seen a single female nearly as hot as any of those girls be remotely good at a video game. This has to some type of marketing scheme for Ubisoft. I guess anyone can be the best at video games if they play enough and they're paid enough.

Manumarketed a la Spice Girls?

Someone spent a lot of time retouching that photo, and did a reasonably good job.. Hope he got paid well, I'd like to see the original.
What the mother fuck are you guys talking about? None of those girls are remotely hittable. video games or not.
I'm pretty sure I'd bang just about any of them in the right circumstances. Even the pork chop in the upper left if I was drunk. You're crazy.
I fail to see how winning a tournament in a game that has horrendously broken multiplayer is an accomplishment. Not to mention they had to play at least 12 hours a day to win this tournament. How the hell do you play a horrendously broken game for 12 hours a day?
Also, they said they beat an "unbeaten" clan. Since the game has been out for what... 3 weeks and hasn't had a tournament yet, how does being "unbeaten" even MATTER.
Why are some of you retards so threatened by some girls winning a game? "They only won because they played 12 hours a day"? What kind of stupid ass comment is that? If you're gonna compete with the top level you have to put in the time. I suppose all the other guys only practiced for 20-30 minutes a day.
My retard comment is, "who the fuck cares about R6 Vegas multiplayer? When they start winning some CS:S tournies I'll be impressed."

And yeah, I'd hit most of them sober except the uggo in the middle.