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01-05-2000 ....
09:00 PM Shag ®
Shag ® said:
you suck!

btw theres a dark star on the OGL now

which makes 0 sense because i am showing my reg date to be more than 2 months later? wat?
uioe commie++

- 12-20-2000, 04:37 PM

Originally sent by -§trife-:
Yo Spy, this is Strife (from clan mIRC ). Anyways, I saw on one of your flashes that you had winamp on your screen while Tribes was opening. I was wondering if it wouldn't be too much trouble if you could explain how to do this? I've been trying to PM you in irc but you never seem to be around

Anyways, drop me a line. Thanks in advance.
mIRC recruitin'? Sup bro. Well, I cheated. Rather it happened accidentally and I kinda liked it for "show". What I did was I just put WinAMP to "Always be on top" mode through the options in it, really good in Windows when you've got much crap going on and you want to change a song quickly. And I opened up Tribes and boom, it stuck on top of it too. Neat, eh?
Edgewize - 12-31-2001, 03:22 AM

function Edgewize::Reverse() {
postAction(2048, IDACTION_TURNLEFT, 0.449);
schedule("postAction(2048, IDACTION_TURNLEFT, -0);", 0.23);

function Edgewize::LookUp() {
postAction(2048, IDACTION_LOOKUP, 1.0);
schedule("postAction(2048, IDACTION_LOOKUP, -0);", 0.10);

function Edgewize::DropDie() {

function Edgewize::TossUpDie() {
schedule("Edgewize::DropDie();", 0.12);

function Edgewize::LoveToss() {
schedule("Edgewize::DropDie();", 0.25);

- 12-18-2001, 12:47 AM

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Wow now I can age myself on TW (the first paragraph is a quote of what I said to shallah):


- 11-14-2000, 02:46 AM

"Regardless of who is "better" at dueling, and who "owns" who in arena/duels, this is a painful-ass paragraph to read. Now before you let loose the dogs of war, relax; this isn't a flame. This is just a post saying that Shallah, you are trying too hard to sound "smart" as stunner put it. Sentence fragments like "work around it and allow me not the chance to dodge" are not examples of old english. They are more closely related to drinking too much "Olde English" before posting. :p"

Well, I am relaxed, and do break stride over insults, or judgments. I do, however, appreciate not being party to someone's fancy of assumption. There is no beef between you and I, nor will there be. But I will say this: English is my favorite language, how and why I choose to use it is at my discretion. I am reader of older articles and fan of denotations. I take time to write my paragraphs to include clarity, which I believe I did in the aforementioned quote, mi amigo. Just to clear it up, if someone thinks the way I talk is 'smart', then what's 'dumb'? I don't like confusion; 'tis a mess and I'm armed no mop. If there's any other confusion, feel free to ask. Until then, take care, yo'.
-Shallah del Gado

Wow ... so there WAS civility on TW once upon a time ... I'd forgotten!
uioe commie++

- 12-20-2000, 04:37 PM

Originally sent by -§trife-:
Yo Spy, this is Strife (from clan mIRC ). Anyways, I saw on one of your flashes that you had winamp on your screen while Tribes was opening. I was wondering if it wouldn't be too much trouble if you could explain how to do this? I've been trying to PM you in irc but you never seem to be around

Anyways, drop me a line. Thanks in advance.
mIRC recruitin'? Sup bro. Well, I cheated. Rather it happened accidentally and I kinda liked it for "show". What I did was I just put WinAMP to "Always be on top" mode through the options in it, really good in Windows when you've got much crap going on and you want to change a song quickly. And I opened up Tribes and boom, it stuck on top of it too. Neat, eh?

more than 7 years ago. :scared:
I've had to delete my PMs several times over. The oldest I have now is from November of 07. Not exactly old.

exceleration said:
I went with building the computer myself like you recommended, but I'm running into a problem. The ribbon cable, my hardrive doesn't have a slot for it, neither does my dvd/data drive... So is this ribbon absolutely necessary? Thanks for your time.
Blitz said:
Also, the reason I spelled "sais" wrong if anyone is curious is because I usually correlate that with "said" and forget it's "says". Honestly I think it is a preety common mistake.

It gets kinda old having people follow you around correcting every single error you make to be funny.

Blitz had made a post using the word sais multiple times instead of says, and everyone made fun of him. I guess I got a PM about it.
Deleted User said:
- 04-16-2001, 11:05 PM

It takes the time from your computers system clock. So whatever your computers clock is set to is what it uses.

Guess who that was :p:
Last edited:
Tribalwar Admin

- 06-28-2005, 02:52 PM

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Originally Posted by Trusk|llz
is it possible for me to get my name changed from Trusk|llz to Ironman, I email colosus but i never got a reply
That name is not available.

Tribal Messiah
Hosting Deals with Branzone for TW Members
Rayn is online now
Private Message: huh?

- 06-06-2007, 02:28 PM

why are you making it to be that im dumb for not knowing what a bundle is. Im not very happy with the statement you said
11-04-2002 Your sig

Private Message: Your sig

- 11-04-2002, 05:43 PM

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Make the background of your sig transparent, so it looks like the eye is poking out of the TW page.

