Post your First Private Message from TW

Not the first (inbox full), but the oldest I have is from the guy I sold a PS2 from here about how it arrived damaged :eek:

- 08-15-2005, 03:52 PM

Heh - nice name, nice sig.

LOTR is so good, man.

Well, just wanted to say hey and if you have any other cool LOTR gifs or anything, let me know.


(I had a bunch of .gifs I captured in my sig at the time.)

I actaully didnt see this PM until months later later...sorry Starwolf


- 12-31-2004, 11:23 PM

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zero you said you didn't have time to figure out how to package the skin of the black phoenix you would send it to me, I am willing to do it, plz just send the files to ________ and when they are done I'll send them back to you
Terra said:
- 06-29-2004, 12:53 PM

i read your post and i was hoping we can talk. give me a msg when you're on and feel like you can talk to me.


:rofl: best post of the thread

Mine is epic in age:
- 08-10-2001, 02:24 AM

Give it here buddy, my brother owned that game i can't find it anywhere...hook me up.

I would buy it if i could find a place to buy it from so help me out.

Fanta xXo

- 04-21-2007, 09:29 PM

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"okay ladies, here is one of the finest has to offer.
baav from world 1"--groundzero (*sarcastically*)

First off, ass. This is my friend.
This message is just to show you how fucking wrong you are going about things this way.

"We can take turns cutting each other" --Hoovie

This is what you started by posting this. Guys like you should cut yourselves for not seeing her as the person she is, if the way she looks doesn't -appeal- to you.

"lol Gz, you're such a bastard" -- bobett

At least bobett has some sense in their head, but they're still unable to speak up if it meant anything to them. Otherwise they're just as big of an ass as you, being sarcastic.

"start with cutting those fucking jowls off her face" -- Metropolis

How about *gag me with a fork* what an ass. And by the way, I am a girl. I pitty any girl that comes into either of your lives. All you want is ass, not a relationship. Cause if you wanted a relationship you'd understand there's more to people than their fucking appearance. And yeah, I've had sex before. My guess more times than you'll get in your lifetime. And I'm no whore. I may be a "nerd" or whatever cause I play videogames and beat most guys I know, but hey, that's a steriotype now isn't it?

"Even with hair covering the fat, you can still see the fat. *edit: whoops, looks like it's feather duster or something. Still can't hide the fat." -- Reaver


"is this a fucking joke?" -- eggo

I'd sure like to hope so. But no, there's only asses in this world.

"The world will be a much better place when we can all reconstruct ourselves to look like super models." -- orbital 123

Hmmm, how about once you all improve your part of the genetics in the gene pool, we'll maybe look better? But no, all the abuse to your dick from jacking off makes them into super models... I'm sure.

"[oscar mayer] Get FancyCat to fuck it, he'll fuck anything.[/oscar mayer]" -- Evil Light Bulb

Oh really? Cause I'm sure you guys would fuck anything... Seeing as you're all in a gaming forum, where most guys look like losers and nerds, with acne all over their faces... And their balls haven't dropped yet... Psht, you'd fuck whatever you could get.

"yah I heard akuma would fuck anything, so yes or no?" -- groundzero

Oooh yay, back to you. Asshole. *cheers* for the marvolous thread you created.

"Here's the great mystery:

How many chins is that feather duster hiding?" -- Blank

Another example of ass-dom. Or should we all say that you all making fun of her hides your own insecurities, cause I prolly hit the ball on the dot saying my steriotype towards you all.

"3?" -- raging bunny

3 is the 'number of pain' youd be dealing with if I were crazy and cut of your dick and both balls.

"if I had a vagina would you fuck me blank?" -- groundzero

Again, back to you. And again, you guys would fuck anything. In all reality.

"depends how attractive you are." -- Blank

Oh, he's funny.

"considering you're married now i didn't think attraction would be a requirement for getting laid" -- Uritel

Oh damn, I'd expect to see a group of femminists just attack him to the ground. Ha.

Blah, blah let's see here skipping some stuff that's really lame... and repetative

"I'd rather fuck a dog than her. And I really don't enjoy fucking dogs that much." -- claudius

Apparently to say such things I'd say claudius has no luck with women and has resorted to fucking dogs. Since he never said he hadn't, infact, by that I'd say he has. Or how would he know about enjoying it?

My point here is saying that you're a complete asshole for posting these things. Be my guest and tear me apart too. I don't really give a shit. - It's possibly private, so you may have to request to be my friend. And if I don't know it's you, send me a message. Or be gay and don't have a myspace. Either way, go fuck yourself, okay? Or maybe one of your friends who thinks the same.

-Fanta xXo [W5]

- 06-22-2001, 05:13 PM

sure. im a tad busy this weekend but il get to it, got anything in mind...
Mogs wrote on 06-22-2001 12:57 AM:
can you make me a sig? I love you man.. you need to make it for me, or else youll go blind..
I used to have a few from that jason character complaining that I was mean and that no one liked me.

now I just have one from thumper thanking me for a recipie that had something to do with pork chops, potatoes, onions, and spices roasted in a cast iron skillet.
This is the earliest one I have still in my inbox:

- 01-15-2002, 10:27 AM


I use your slate gui, and I notice that with the new patch (after a fresh install) that I can't get your GUI to work anymore. Is there a CRC-check with the new patch that doesn't let your GUI work anymore?

Just curious and trying to fix a problem.

Thanks, mang.
This one is just for LOL:

- 07-22-2003, 03:27 AM

It totally helps. That was much faster results then I thought I would get. Glad you were on. I am flying out on wed night, I can get a shuttle, but thought I'd let him know I am coming, see if he wants to hang out

I have saved and worked to get there...just got my plane ticket whew! I hope I get to see you guys agian some day. A lot of cool things came from tribes <3

Take care
I deleted it ages ago but it had something to do with the Blood Eagles Guild Wars guild that we started back when that game first came out.
Wow now I can age myself on TW (the first paragraph is a quote of what I said to shallah):


- 11-14-2000, 02:46 AM

"Regardless of who is "better" at dueling, and who "owns" who in arena/duels, this is a painful-ass paragraph to read. Now before you let loose the dogs of war, relax; this isn't a flame. This is just a post saying that Shallah, you are trying too hard to sound "smart" as stunner put it. Sentence fragments like "work around it and allow me not the chance to dodge" are not examples of old english. They are more closely related to drinking too much "Olde English" before posting. :p"

Well, I am relaxed, and do break stride over insults, or judgments. I do, however, appreciate not being party to someone's fancy of assumption. There is no beef between you and I, nor will there be. But I will say this: English is my favorite language, how and why I choose to use it is at my discretion. I am reader of older articles and fan of denotations. I take time to write my paragraphs to include clarity, which I believe I did in the aforementioned quote, mi amigo. Just to clear it up, if someone thinks the way I talk is 'smart', then what's 'dumb'? I don't like confusion; 'tis a mess and I'm armed no mop. If there's any other confusion, feel free to ask. Until then, take care, yo'.
-Shallah del Gado