Position in queue: 2785

haha, I was like 2000 in queue so I started doing some work and had wow minimized, and hour later I pull it up and see "Unable to connect"

Now back at ~1750
ever realize that LoL is a 40minute wow... same graphics, leveling, npcs, farming, even mp5 gear and a raid boss
because trollin is fun?

Bro, we've had a lot of good times, but seriously, I say this to everyone that does it...Really? It's fun getting a bunch of people who you don't know in a video game you don't play riled up? WHY??????

That's really what your enjoyment in life is boiled down to? And if it is, carry on.
It's only about 900 on Arthas in prime time. It's funny though because the previous estimates were that Horde outnumber Alliance by about 4:1, however looking at every quest hub that ratio is probably closer to 10:1. It's like running into a lion's den every time you need to turn a quest in.

Funnily enough though they've been relatively cool about it, not as much ganking as one might expect, though don't expect them to wait in line for a quest mob either. Worst part is when one of them picks a fight with you, you kick the shit out of them and then the other 20 in the area finish you off because of it.
Shit gets real in the streets often on Tich; although the majority of people are pretty good about leaving each other alone to quest.

It's like all those racially-motivated movies though; you can feel the tension and every once in a while BOOM! it bubbles over and everyone murders each other. It usually starts with some idiot PKing someone else, and 2-3 other dudes see it happen and then kill that dude, who then get attacked by other guys, and then the entire area just rolls into a skirmish.

A lot of accidental blood baths happen too simply because some idiot on the other faction is standing over the quest giver. You click and you're attacking. At least the NPC guards are moderately retarded and don't instantly gib you.

Nice to be a rogue though; doesn't happen too much to me :D