[poll] is tribalwar getting more boring or am I just getting lazier

what you're saying is right

but ambition is not the same as bragging about having a 9-5 job and a piece of property ala Falhawk

in fact I think the simple act of bragging about such mundane things pretty much underlines a lack of ambition
can someone explain to me this whole post count thing and why antisocial nerds think it matters

obviously in a thread about me where everybody directs responses towards me I am going to have more posts than other people

it's not like I'm going to hold back and collate all my responses into single posts just to appease some sad nerds, mostly because I don't give a shit
Blowbibun I'm going to let you into a little secret that will aid you in your life.

College is not real life. Its the most sheltered and unreal version of life that's possible. It makes you THINK that what you're experiencing is real, which is why so many college student espouse whatever their latest philopsophy class preaches, but it isn't.

You'll see. Everything you know about life and women is, frankly, on a timer.
I mean in the sense that just because you have a stable career and are doing well doesn't mean shit

maybe to the 35 year old single mother on match.com but to any woman worth being with you need to have a lot more to bring to the table

What kind of woman do you consider worth being with?
What kind of woman do you consider worth being with?

in that example one that hasn't made a number of poor life decisions prior to my meeting them (i chose single and supporting a child while seeking out a man to support both of them as its the most obvious)

and 40 year old married barren women is only a part time thing, a distraction
Blowbibun I'm going to let you into a little secret that will aid you in your life.

College is not real life. Its the most sheltered and unreal version of life that's possible. It makes you THINK that what you're experiencing is real, which is why so many college student espouse whatever their latest philopsophy class preaches, but it isn't.

You'll see. Everything you know about life and women is, frankly, on a timer.

hint: I'm not American, nor am I retarded. I didn't have to pay $100k to find out that a Social Studies degree won't turn me into a brain surgeon lawyer president.

in other words you're an idiot apparently still absurdly proud of the fact you have a 9-5 job
I think that you guys, Obibun in particular, put too much time and thought into women. In my experience having the time to think is disastrous for women, since they aren't wired quite right. You'll get your requirements mixed up with conveniences. Seems to me most successful relationships are born out of career driven lives which treat the relationship as a second priority, where it belongs.

I see so many people, predominantly men in their late 20's, which is when biological clocks start ticking, completely shifting their focus from careers to relationships and then seem to walk into one disaster after another.

This will happen to people who are no longer progressing in their job. The people I know who are always pushing for more out of their career seem to have women throwing themselves at them. No relationship problems, because it just isn't a consideration to them yet. Why do you need a relationship?
ITT: obibun raging (again), obibun justifying being a mooch, obibun being too scared to confront a guy who was "disrespecting" him IRL

i've only read 5 pages but did i really miss anything?