[POLL] how will trump cave on the wall again

how will trump cave on the wall again ???

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nahh man we just buy some more fire insurance

How the California Wildfires Are Reshaping Fire Insurance for Homeowners

Goshin has our back

that will fix the 40-50 new arson fires for the open air insane asylum experiment we have going in our state.

Rats, Public Defecation, Open Drug Use: Our Major Western Cities Are Becoming Uninhabitable Hellholes | Zero Hedge

the left coast

i mean we are like one or two more fires away from no longer having any utility providers in our state and we once thought the gray-outs and rolling black outs under gray davis were painfully stupid.

the rest can be explained here

DOJ: 26% of Federal Prisoners Are Aliens

that's ok they are slaves for you on the cheap and nothing else matters
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Lemon it's the president we all deserve.

An honest, unrelenting tactician and master of negotiations that won't be browbeaten by an 80 year old woman.

It's almost too much MAGA.
Hillary would have been way better for sure.....way less sell out and corrupted by outside intervention

it really was her turn



and cali is a great place to live if you don't think about how much it stinks and costs to stay there
Lemon it's the president we all deserve.

your sky screeching and virtue signaling got you here brah

y did u fuck bernie over

a lot of people would have voted for him instead of trump

now they know better lmfao

if only vanster would have explained the electoral college to hillary
bernie and his family couldn't run a tax payer subsidized community college without bankruptcy

turned the VA into a death machine

ruined everything he ever touched worse than Ted Kennedy

he really would have put most of us out of our misery far sooner



NHS cuts blamed for 30,000 deaths in new study | The Independent


CALIFORNICATION HERE WE COME......1 YEAR LINES are already here and we haven't even started single payer for illegals yet

California hospitals see steep increase in emergency room visits, Sacramento ERs remain crowded, study finds

at least we still have AOC

and you guys can still move to Venezuela while it lasts
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Who wants Bernie when we have the swamp drainer extrodinaire calling the shots not taking any lip from great grandmothers.

Good news is the DNC has like everyone in politics running in 2020 already

so you guys have plenty of choices

a great deal for people who don't even believe in those sort of things

with a little luck the State will choose your candidate for you again so you don't hurt yourself
what a man


what a hero

he actually did make Hillary likable again tbh

just like he makes Warren and Kaine in the above photo
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Y haven’t u accepted my group invitation U do recognize the genius of legendary rock and roll band maroon five, don’t u
as admin i have to maintain neutrality in fairness of other non maroon 5 groups regardless of how inferior they are
The fuck u say

Listen to moves like jagger on repeat for six hours and say that to my fucking face levinecopter5000