plz submit this weeks ngfm quotes


how the fuck do you manage to navigate through daily life without killing yourself and the people around you due to your stupidity baffles the fuck out of me.
I flew into O'hare, immediately drove to the north west to visit Whole Foods and get a pizza before heading to Michigan's Adventure 5 hours away near Grand Rapids.

I then stopped 30 miles south of Midway and filled up the rental car at a gas station along the freeway. I was very alert approaching Midway once on the surface streets, but I made it without being shot. I flew out that morning.

Didn't visit downtown, or any sites of Chicago.
Laurie wakes up easily now. That's the good and bad of having separate beds. On one hand, each person will stay on their side of the bed, which is great if you want your sleep. On the other hand, it means you're not together when sleeping. If you move over to her side and try to hold her, she'll wake up and say no sex. I don't venture over to Laurie's side of the bed, she gets real bitchy if woken up.