Plane Crash in Buffalo, NY

nSpectre, your sig is freaking me out.

I know, but every time I get on a plane (full of xanax, mind you) I just get this helpless feeling because I'm stuck in a tube with people I would only be so lucky to crawl over to live in the event that the crash doesn't kill everyone instantly.

I'll take my chances driving my car :(

yeah, I prefer cars as well

I'd like to think that in a car crash I'll just get KO'd

but if shit goes bad on a plane...I might have 30,000 foot freefall to contemplate the implications of smashing into the ground

it's not the death part that scares me, it's the absolute terror leading up to it

I imagine there's a lot less terror to be had from a standard car crash

then again, if you're dead, you're dead and the terror is comparatively insignificant

and if you survive, then you've got a story to tell

the whole 'blah blah is safer than blah blah' doesn't mean shit to me anyways

My ego is not large enough to allow me the luxury of always being on the better side of all statistics.

I'd say it's likely that just about everyone who has died in a horrific plane crash has heard the 'relax, it's safer than ____'

Someone must always survive.


in this case,

the observers

we wouldn't know about this if the crash had destroyed the world...we survived!


and yes,

poor, poor families :-/
yeah, I prefer cars as well

I'd like to think that in a car crash I'll just get KO'd

but if shit goes bad on a plane...I might have 30,000 foot freefall to contemplate the implications of smashing into the ground

it's not the death part that scares me, it's the absolute terror leading up to it

I imagine there's a lot less terror to be had from a standard car crash

then again, if you're dead, you're dead and the terror is comparatively insignificant

and if you survive, then you've got a story to tell

Other than TWA 800 generally airplanes dont go down at altitude. takeoff, and landing is nearly always when things go.. bad....

I agree with you and john madden tho... ill take my chances on the road if possible.

then again, if you could, ask cliff burton about that...
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i fly a fair amt. dont really think about it much. safer than driving, tho ive never been in a car accident either so here's hoping that I keep both streaks alive!
I always try to get a window seat just aft of the wing so I can watch the control surfaces, flaps, spoilers, reverse thrusters and especially
i woke up this morning to a phone call, my roommate and my best friend since kindergarten is a pilot for Colgan.

it was my mom telling me that my roommates mom was trying to call his son but he wasn't responding. my heart immediately sunk, then she said the plane crash was last night.

then i told her that her mom couldn't get a hold of him because he is working RIGHT now and last night we were watching the office together.

3407 =/ i've probably met one of the pilots who was in the plane
Flying into Buffalo sucks anyway, I've had to land there in 60 mph winds. Can't imagine what conditions are like when the weather is blowing in.

They probably had a rough ride in, then just dropped like a stone from 5300 feet. The whole thing probably took 3-5 seconds from beginning to end.
yeah, I wonder if this had to do with the crazy wind we had in the northeast yesterday...

those people on that plane also probably waited like hours and hours to take off with the delays at the airports around here yesterday (NYC area).

here's an interesting link:

Prior to the crash, the voice of a female pilot on Continental flight 3407 can be heard communicating with air traffic controllers, according to a recording of the Buffalo air traffic control’s radio messages shortly before the crash captured by the Web site Neither the controller nor the pilot exchange any concerns that anything is out of the ordinary as the airplane is asked to fly at 2,300 feet.

A minute later, the controller tries to contact the plane saying but hears no response. After a pause, he tries to contact the plane again.

Then the controller asks the pilot of a nearby Delta Air Lines plane to see if he can see the Continental flight.

“Delta 1998, look off your right side about 5 miles for a Dash 8 about 2,300 (feet). You see anything there?” he asks.

“Uh, negative,” the Delta pilot says
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From what I heard on the news this morning, there was normal contact, and then nothing. Eyewitnesses described the jet as being in a steep dive.
One of the people on board was a lady named Beverly Eckert. Her husband died during 9/11 and she was flying home to be with her family on her birthday.

They need cameras in the cockpit that send the stream back to ground controllers in real time. Also need a camera on the tail pointing forward to see everything.

You'd think by now they'd update the black boxes to have real time transmission of recorded images, but no, we never see or hear anything.

Same thing for the airports. They need cameras at each end of the run way so when a jet crashes, there's footage of what happened.