Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest Teaser

Looks cool, although i fear that Johnny Depp is on the edge of selling out with sequels like these. Even if his performance is good, which it is bound to be, if the movie is a hollywood branded piece of shit, it could ruin his credibility.

Heres for hoping it wont, but that clip seemed a little too glitzy (i.e. brainless special affects in replace of content) for my taste.
Yes thats the problem with these types of movies they tend to loose plot, story, etc and replace it with special effects.
Big Jack Sparrow fan.

I'm pretty sure they have been filming Dead Man's Chest, and its sequel concurrently.
The only way depp could become a sellout is if he stars in a movie about Ronald McDonald and the Coca-Cola Kid, as Ronald McDonald. Written by Paul W.S. Anderson and directed by that one guy who fucks up video game movies by.. making them.
Trinket said:
Truth: My Grampa designed the Pirates of the Carribean ride, and as such was invited to the premier of the movie.

Suck it bitches.

OhYa? Well, my buddy was one of the ghost pirates and was in the movie! So you suck i....

On second thought, gramps > *

That ride has made more happy and thrilled people for so long, and inspired so much, that he should be in his own hall of fame or sumpin'.


On another note, I haven't heard anything about him getting a call-back for part II. wtf, no love for teh ghosts? :(
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Destiny said:
Orlando Bloom is dreamy ... he was awesome in Kingdom of heaven.

omg and he was so hot as Legolas in LoTR too :sunny:


wtf where is the Black Pearl? There better be an explanation in the new movie.
Depp is my favorite male actor.

he has a lot of depth and actually puts effort into every movie he does. i respect him and its not often i'll say that about an actor.
Rev. Zen said:
Jack Sparrow is Johnny Depp's best character by far.


I love him as Jack Sparrow, but you must not have seen F&L to say that.
Actually on second thought, he was probably better in Blow than Secret Window for sure...and What's Eating Gilbert Grape, and F & L.
Except girls get wet and want his penis inside them, as opposed to the whole gay thing. ;)