Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest Teaser

I've seen just about all of Depp's films, and Sparrow is by far one of the most entertaining of his characters. So what exactly is your point?

btw this is the only thread to contain "man's chest" that i have ever approved of
Rigel said:
... what?

Ohhhh, I get it. Im sorry. Here, everyone else I'll translate:

"OMG, Johnny Depp! I know him! Pirates of the Caribbean! rolf He was soooo good. AND he does other films*! Capt Jack is teh bestest though.

*None of which I have seen."

Obviously an Edward Scissorhands fan.....
Truth: My Grampa designed the Pirates of the Carribean ride, and as such was invited to the premier of the movie.

Suck it bitches.

One of the characters I liked best of Depps was Mort Rainey in Secret Window, he movie may not have been spectacular (thought I enjoyed it), but his character had a lot of depth I thought.
depp is the man plain and simple. he is always the bet part of any movie he's in. whether or not the movie i any good ... thats another issue.
Adroit said:
One of the characters I liked best of Depps was Mort Rainey in Secret Window, he movie may not have been spectacular (thought I enjoyed it), but his character had a lot of depth I thought.

That movie was fucking god awful. Depp was fantastic, but the movie was like being stabbed in the eyes with light.

And while Jack Sparrow is great...

All I have to say is

"This is bat country"
wth is F&L?

Depp's gone a loong way from 21 Jump Street. Although I find it amusing that of the actors in that show, Johnny Depp's gone on to succes, and the big thug, Peter De Luise is one of the names behind Stargate SG-1.

If you had told me in 1987 that they'd be serious actors/producers, I would've laughed at you.
Rev. Zen said:
Jack Sparrow is Johnny Depp's best character by far.

I'll see your Jack Sparrow and raise you a Hunter S. Thompson.

Edit: "Dogs fucked the Pope, not my fault."