Pick a bathroom, any bathroom

Funny how they told the kid if he don't like it he can change in the nurses office. How about the mentally sick being required to change in the nurses office? How about that solution? The sick changing at a medical office seems more appropriate than a healthy child being sent to change there.
yeah there have never been any retarded lawsuits in America before, ever

this is totally the beginning of the end guys
The transgender community has to be the most intolerant community out there, bullying their agenda onto others.

And it is disgusting that school systems would entertain this shit at the expense of children.

Trangenders with common sense really should stand up publicly against these thugs in dresses.
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You guys remember 15 years who when we were warned of the "slippery slope?"

It came true.
I bet the dudes are now saying they want in on the chicks locker room

lets see how tolerant the girls fathers are about that
I bet the dudes are now saying they want in on the chicks locker room

lets see how tolerant the girls fathers are about that

Parents cover their kids eyes so they don't see nudity on the tv, too bad your 8 year old daughter is going to see cocks at school now.
Parents cover their kids eyes so they don't see nudity on the tv, too bad your 8 year old daughter is going to see cocks at school now.

She goes to an all girls school - based on sex not by gender identity

no cocks there

buuut maybe by the time she is 8 there will be trannys all over the place
Middle school kids have a hard enough time changing in front of the same sex. This opens up for resident diddler (teacher) to walk in and enjoy the show.
Parents cover their kids eyes so they don't see nudity on the tv, too bad your 8 year old daughter is going to see cocks at school now.
We judge others by how we see ourselves. For example you can't be reasoned with. It's no surprise you'd feel the same about other people. This explains why you think the military is so necessary since diplomacy won't work.

I suspect the 8yr. old won't drop to her knees but you'll probably feel differently about that.

Gender dystopia has been encourages by media manipulation. Sexualized kids and sexualizing society is an important Zionist cultural goal, a passive aggressive attack on white society.
Here is one of the problems. Thanks Oregon you useless fucks

History was quietly made in Oregon this month when a judge granted a Portlander's request to become genderless.

Patch, a 27-year-old video game designer, is likely the first legally agender person in the United States.

The Multnomah County Court granted Patch a "General Judgment of Name and Sex Change" on March 10. In the same judgment, Patch was also allowed to change names, becoming mononymous — meaning only having one name instead of a given name and a surname.

Judge Grants Oregon Resident the Right to Be Genderless - NBC News