People who honk the horn the second the light turns green should be shot

If it's not illegal, it probably should be. I'm pretty sure somebody around here has or had one. I used to occasionally hear a train horn off in the distance, but from some other direction than where the train tracks run.

it would be worth it to honk at this guy

i have bi polar disorder and your shit fuckin made episode

From: Dan Systad <********* >
Sent: 30-Dec-2005 06:11
Subject: i have bi polar disorder and your shit fuckin made episode

your shit made me have a manic episode and i wrote a bunch of letters you might be glad that it didn't happen in your'd be beat up at the very least....when manic people have episodes it is like more strength than any amount of adrenalin so beware of people like me i am common and you will get it some day if you keep it up this horn thing will get you killed for sure... even now i still feel like i want to kill you and my manic state has eased up.... you best not meet me on the street I will likely kill you not a threat it is just the truth.... i have been in the hospital many times....your type i don't want to go for murder but you may make it happen....
So I'm gathering you're a poor loser with no credit who has to ride the bus to get their wheat germ from the uppity whole foods store?
“Speed has never killed anyone, suddenly becoming stationary... that’s what gets you.”
the fast lane is actually the safest lane, unless you're driving slow... then expect to be shot.
I want to attach a semi-trucks airhorn to my tiny corolla. I'm not sure of the size of the airhorns on semis (read:if they're too big to fit under the hood/ where other people can't see it) I think it would be awesome to pull up behind some car and freak it the fuck out like that.

dude i saw a truck once that had 4 foot wheels and super suspension with a train whistle. was fucking hilarious, some bitch 2 cars up sat there through an entire light and then some. guy blew the whistle and he takes off with his tires burning rubber :rofl:
I'm finding since Canada has the new 50 over racing law and with gas so high that every fucking tom dick and harry thinks it's acceptable to drive 105-110km/h in the fast lane.

It's not like I'm even going that fast, maybe 10-12 mph over (for you americans).

The WORST is when they are in the middle lane behind a truck, merge into the fast lane to cut you off and then continue to drive 105 because they didn't want to wait for you to go by them.
on a side note. The other day there was a HUGE backup of traffic. Everyone going like 100 in the fast lane (Just the speed limit on Canada's biggest highway).

So I successfully have to weave in and out, making stupid ass right hand passes. Finally I get to the front of the hold up and there is this nigger cruising in his 300 doing like 102.

I put down my window and yell, maybe you should get out of the fast lane. He then proceeds to gun it, and as I look ahead there is a radar trap on the bridge ahead.

Holy shit talk about kharma, I was laughing all the way home.