people who are easy to troll

opsayo sadly enough no matter how good looking you think you are, you're still asian

so at the end of the day you're about a 6/10 to any girl who isn't asian, and even lower when they factor in the assumption of your tiny asian peen

+1 lololol

All you represent is the over-all dumbing down of TW and the herp-derp half-wit mental capacity of it's newer generation of users.

the decline started with LT, and the influx of people from sites like (seriously, how the fuck did we get dancestudio animepedo zoph??). is all just imitating some OGs of tw past or copy paste from reddit. although i do find sponge funny, and the responses to lemon's obvious flames too.
jm5k doesn't dumb down the forums, he smartens them up

A natural extension of several of my hobbies, my decision to attend college for programming was natural.

A natural extension of several of my hobbies, my decision to attend college for programming was natural.

A natural extension of several of my hobbies, my decision to attend college for programming was natural.

A natural extension of several of my hobbies, my decision to attend college for programming was natural.

A natural extension of several of my hobbies, my decision to attend college for programming was natural.
jm5k is on track to bein the next kura/mav. yall poke fun, at least they poke(d) back and kept it interesting. once their gone there is a void and who will fill it this time?

tehvul "yall just haters hatin, check out my new yt vid"
Oh he can actually tell you how many times people rep him

He probably keeps a spreadsheet to plot 'must be doing something right' trend lines
Last Activity: 11-01-2011 03:38 PM
Current Activity: Viewing User Control Panel


this guy is fucked up