[PC] Valheim on Steam is a surprise hit

Hamster (and many are) far further advanced than me. I've just started with bronze. Currently on copper and iron missions. I'm really enjoying it. Taking items from world to world is a handy function. Build my first portal. Dug a massive Suez Canal that fits a long boat to save going around the coast. Working the carrots. Culling boars from 15 to 2. Planted a birch farm all too close to each other and lost a shitload of potential birches.
aint that a birch

also lets play something u fukn nog

my steam friend code is 26905826
Yah I think I'm ready for that. I kind of understand the game now. We are in a similar time zone. GMT+11 here.. GMT+9 yours. Only 2 hours difference.

Steam friend request sent.
yay !

I'm on most afternoons and nights. Out for dinner Thursday night. Friday night is free and Saturday night going to LAN it. Probably have 3 for saturday night. Me and 2 RL friends. We can try 4 but comments say host PC and net has to be high end for 4. Can give it a try.
Oh I haven't built a longship yet. I was calling my Karve a longship. waah so you can make bigger ones later!
just msg me anytime ur gonna play and if im avail i will join u n 2gthr we can fuck a greydwarf
smelt first iron bar and pick it up

"here are 5000 crafting recipes enjoy"

like holy fuuuuuuuuuuuck

and i got two swamp crypts that spawned right next to each other so i got a shitload of iron

iron pickaxe+stonecutter= im gonna build a castle and ed isnt invited

We made a base in swamp and just got the stone cutter up to build real big castle type shit next
Also, I've also now had swamp troops spawn in one of those raid thingies and attack my beach house in the meadows, so I'm pretty sure the strength of those things is dependent on your progress through the game.

Fortunately, they spent their time attacking the fences around my little patches of mini-farm. Unfortunately, they slaughtered all my piggies :( Fortunately, I was barely even bothering to feed the piggies anyway, so that's kinda NBD. There was one skeleton in the water though shooting arrows at the temporary raft I'd built to be able to build over the water a bit, so he got an arrow in the knee.

I think my next base is going to be on a big raised pillar of dirt or something, way up off the ground. Yeah, it's probably not going to look as neat as a giant freakin' castle, but in a game that's otherwise pretty cool in eliminating a lot of those annoying mechanics that have become staples of this sort of game - that "random spawned assault" to make you run around repairing things is one that still annoys me.
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Fucking swarm attacked my cart of copper and flipped it. It was so full I had to empty it to flip it back over.

What the fuck kinda mean is that?
Swarms these days.... No respect. Back in my day, Swarms knew how to behave. Step out of line, and they'd get a thrashing, they would. Need some old fashioned discipline, is what they need...
ya r before i went after 2nd boss i wanted to clear out a nearby troll so i start hittin him w arrows n kiting him

as im kiting him the fucking forest starts moving

jfc really
We just did a coop test during lunch break. Worked fine. I hosted. Host checked Start and Community and set Name and Password. Joining played said he couldn't see it then he checked Friends and was in.

Friendly fire appears to be on. Which is nice. We go back a long way in PC games and he thought it was pretty good. Here's to the start of another chapter in RPG PC game adventuring. Woohooo

Felt like I was in Ironforge again.
The game is amazing. The building is very creative. The grind is just enough that it's still a grind but not too annoying. Especially once you have a longship. Just fill the boat once with whatever and you're good. I haven't had this much fun learning a new game in a while.

That being said, there just isn't very much to it. Granted it's early access, and they're saying it's going to have nine biomes in total. But it's the same thing. Over and over.

Just not enough meat and potatoes once you figure it out.
I've played enough I definitely got my money's worth. The development seems similar to MineCraft too in the sense that you have a small indi hit you can buy at a low price, but come back a year or two later and start again with all of the new content and so on. I play MineCraft every year or two for a while this way. I think the game will be relevant for a long time. Kind of a surprise since survival games are an ending fad, yet this comes out now.
I couldn't disagree more. This and another game called Grounded that came out a bit ago are proving the genre isn't dead. You just have to put better spins on it rather than copy/pasting another game style.

Valheim is a great game, so is Grounded. Just need more content on both. And yes, as i said, they're early access blah blah. I can see where the content for Grounded can come from. But not this one. A few more biomes, the same upgrade process. Kind of a flash in the pan. A fun one, but p00f.
The game is amazing and I love it. I think its success is partly because it's an inexpensive fun, partly because the launch was lucky in timing. Thanks to popular TV shows like i.e. Vikings on HBO that has a large fan base norse lore seems to be in... for now. In two years time it could be completely forgotten, but now is now.

Major headache at the moment is the pesky troll that lives near my base and his brother who can't let me mine copper in peace. piotrr has discovered Plains. Lovely biome with cloudberries and stuff. Also murderous bugs and... gremlins. They are called Fuling, I know, but I hear and see gremlins.
the fuling camps are frustrating as shit
u gotta MGS stealth kill the shaman 1st and try to pick em off before they get alerted otherwise theyll swarm the fuck out of you
Circumnavigated the continent today. Still only seen Meadows, Black forest, the edge of Mountains and edge of Ocean. Was cruising along in the boat and something in the water chasing me that was kind of scary. Holly shit. Changed direction to get away from it and that put me out in the middle of farks knows where... it let me go and I marked the spot to stay the f away from it. Also think I saw two of those turtle shell looking islands things that I saw in a video.