[PC] Valheim on Steam is a surprise hit

so u can use the console to activate "creative mode" where u can build w/o resources or crafting tables and u can fly

NOW i see how homeboy built that giant fuckin castle and now im like "WELP BETTER DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT FUCK" so imma start a new world n just use that 1 for my fuck about world and built big stone piss on ur kids house
so u can use the console to activate "creative mode" where u can build w/o resources or crafting tables and u can fly

NOW i see how homeboy built that giant fuckin castle and now im like "WELP BETTER DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT FUCK" so imma start a new world n just use that 1 for my fuck about world and built big stone piss on ur kids house

so can you still use the buildings in game?. seems like tha twould make bases kinda pointless
Last night after procrastinating for a week exploring and mining I went and killed the 2nd boss. Found merchant too. Built outpost (on tall posts lol) next to Swamp. Wow there is some spooky stuff in the water, on the ground and jumping out of trees.

3 of us are joining a server together tonight. Was going to be me hosting. However late last night my old Tribes leader contacted me and we played some Valheim and then he cloned the world (for 3 of us) on he's dedicated server server.. which he said he got for $16. and it works. Now it will be connect via IP and PW. He made me an Admin so I need to read all the admin commands etc.

I can't really open the world up to lots o people yet as we don't know yet how to restrict ninja looters who might loot our shared chests and take the loot to another world. Must be a common issue. He is looking into it. I expect the gamer producers will implement something like "Private chests" and "Shared chests". Anyway old Tribes leader.. who is a total legend and Australian tribes gaming community god will look into it.

I'm going to have to learn to make potions to protect from poison. The swamp is nasty. I have a fermenter but haven't used it yet.

Such a fun game and some really good smarts in the games functionality. Being able to take loot from one world to another is brilliant.
It seems like there's so much to this game and you're afraid of the sea serpent at first and then once you figure it all out there isn't much to the game at all. The sea serpent is only scary if you're naked and on a raft otherwise he just runs and is an easy kill. The bosses aren't even that tough, the hardest one I've felt was Bonemass but that's only because of where his spawn location was. I ended up dragging him so far out of the swamp to kill him because it was stupid ridiculous fighting him with no stam the entire time.

I love what the game is, but i hate it. It's both amazing and a let down at the same time. I just hope it's future development takes it in a positive direction. If not the modding community will fix that but it's kinda whatever as far as content, and that's including what they've said they're going to do in the future.
Tonight in coop we cleared some Burial crypts for cores.

We each did the first boss.


Then we took the boat to make a mining camp shelter containing a portal to home.


A drake cleaned us all up from the sky and is still circling around the mining camp occasionally killing anything it sees including anyone who is slow to run to the mining shelter.

We cleared 1/2 the copper while watching out for the drake and then did some food gathering and some relaxing on the deck.


The drake is still up there.
I have a dedicated server running Valheim+ mod. Tweaked a lot of boring/sluggish parts of the game and allowed building without having to worry about annoying ass structural integrity.

We're slow rolling the last boss. Game got too easy after we all got our Black Metal weapons and Padded armor. I could literally solo the Dragon boss. We're playing with increasing the difficulty multiplier for the world and then we're gonna go back through all the bosses on hard mode.

Us fighting the 4th boss:

Us riding a raft off the edge of the world:

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If you really want to truly enjoy this game please don't play it right now.

Yes, in it's current state it's pretty darn neat and what not. But there is literally nothing to it. We went and killed the final boss last night and it was so easy, just like all the other boss encounters.

They revealed a roadmap for the game and while it's interesting, it doesn't seem like it's going to change the game up much. Same mechanics and what not. If you seem interested in this game, let it play out before buying and playing it. There's just nothing to do unless you literally drag the content to the breaking point. We have every item you can make, every trophy you can get, a giant stone castle, yada yada. We even wasted the time to make the serpent shield *yawn*.

There isn't much to this game. But it is good. Please if you're interested don't ruin the game by playing it right now. Just wait till the roadmap pans out then play it. You will enjoy it so much more. Playing out the content that it currently has will just disappoint you in the end.
it was a disappointment before the 2nd boss. its literally a grindfest with nothing of value unlocked. Stone cutting is about the only cool thing
The final boss was so easy. Well, maybe it was. There is always this amazing player who can kill the final boss blindfolded and almost unarmored while running backwards on a broken pegleg. I have seen their posts for almost two decades now. All respect to you, dear Sir. For ordinary folks like the ol' granny here the game is sufficiently enjoyable and worth the money. No need to rush through it. Real life is rushing away fast enough as it is.
Listen dipshit, that's exactly what I'm saying. I'm not an amazing player who killed it blindfolded. Moder gets caught in terrain and is so easy to kill. Don't rush through the game right now because it's not in it's full glory. I'm praising the game but letting you all know it's a let down in the end. The only thing you get from the last standing boss right now is an item that is labeled as a placeholder and you can advance no further. So don't strive to end the game. Because... like i said and you're a fucking moron for not understanding that, it's a let down at the moment.
It's one of these dime a dozen games, there's a hundred every month. Bought it for the boys, these devs are going to cash in and run for the hills. The game is a total dud.

No it isn't, no there aren't, no they aren't, and no it isn't.