[PC] Prey is a Masterpiece of a Single Player PC Game


Veteran XX
I'm about 8 hrs into this and really enjoying it. Think of Deus Ex mixed with Dishonored. Open ended gamplay where you can tech out your character any way you want, and the story is pretty good.

You have a ton off tech upgrades and there are different ways to progress through the game. Shooting, stealth, hacking, ect. There's no wrong way to make a character. The physics and gunplay are very good. The art is great, it's like a sci fi version of art deco.

This is a better modern day Deus Ex game than the modern day Deus Ex games.

Prey on Steam



ya this, witcher 3, and hellblade:senua are my top 3 single player game in recent memory

in terms of pure mindless fun, doom and the recent wolfenstein stand out for me too
How's the shooting?

I didn't like the shooting in bioshock. I liked the story so I stayed, but the shooting felt lackluster.

If the shooting sucks, how about the story? does it got a good hook?
story/atmosphere is the seller

shooting is below average tbh. its more like interesting abilities a la bioshock
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isn't pretty much every sp shooter these days system shock jr.?

i think i finally got tired of it with alien isolation, having to craft together wrench pieces for the millionth time when i just wanted to run around with aliens
doom wolfenstein even dishonored are nothing like system shock

just run around, hold shoot and hope the big things dont kill you
No, it's a reboot of the Prey series. Prey 2 was stuck in development hell and they just decided to reboot the whole thing.
No, the shooting is great. The game has the physics to be an arena shooter if it wanted to. The guns are pretty nice, though I'm considering not carrying all of them in exchange for more inv space.
yeah I started playing thru Wolfenstein, I haven't FPS'd for years and should have no chance. I'm getting through it pretty easily, it holds your hand the whole way, pathetic really. I could go to nightmare difficulty of whatev but that just increases spawn and reduces ammo, it doesn't really make it any better.

Still a good game I guess for a quick blast.
doom wolfenstein even dishonored are nothing like system shock

just run around, hold shoot and hope the big things dont kill you

if you don't think dishonored is like system shock i don't even know what we're talking about. level-based adventure-survival corridor exploration with stealth/melee-heavy shooting and an active-skill based upgrade tree. it was basically a direct sequel to bioshock (and a better one than bioshock 2 or infinite).

doom's levels are more sprawling and there's no survival element (combat is arena-based and usually refills your health and ammo) but it does still inherit the skill tree. it's more like doom (original) than it's like shock but it's more similar to either than it is to halo/crysis-era games.

wolfenstein order yeah is pretty distant but it does still have stealth.
ya this, witcher 3, and hellblade:senua are my top 3 single player game in recent memory
Currently playing Witcher 3 and loving it. Holy fuck... so much fun.

Hellblade was also awesome, especially once i put on the headphones. Totally different game with them on. Felt like i was in my 20's again on a bunch of acid trippin balls with visual and auditory hallucinations. that shit was fun.

Prey has been in my queue. Guess i should just get it.
how come no1 playin battlefront2 bestest game ever... half of tw would luv it get many lootbox Claude
Thanks for the reminder. Saw the WAB review and was planning to play it some day.

Started with the new Wolfenstein game but i can't really get into it. Even though it's good. :/ It's getting harder and harder to enjoy single player games lately.
prey was an awesome game. i played through it never doing any alien upgrades, just human/tech ones. I was able to max the skill tree out and be damn near unstoppable, even those nightmares got easy.