paul giamatti is the best actor in america

Robin Williams

there i said it. plenty of people are gonna bitch.. but its true. He is awesome. But he is near the top.

Sure he has done some crap movies.. but several of his movies would be in my top 20 flicks. Good Morning, Vietnam , Dead Poets Society, Good Will Hunting, Death to Smoochy. And then others he was just great in 24 Hour Photo, Mrs Doubtfire, Hook, Insomnia, Patch Adams, The fisher king.
Hahahaha. I love how someone pointed out another as having no range, then listed DeNiro as being better. DeNiro's great, but no range at all.

For Americans, if you're going for skill AND range, really the best, it's gotta be DUSTIN Hoffman and Meryl Streep. From his range, Gary Oldman definitely sneaks in there, too. Lately PS Hoffman's starting to show some more range, though, so he's in contention. Of the old Pacino vs. DeNiro debate, I'd definitely go with Pacino having more range, though he has yet to do any comedy. You can pretend to be happy, sad, angry, etc., but you can't act funny. Is why most actors consider comedy the hardest jobs (doesn't mean comedians are better actors, but it definitely helps. Just look at all the comedians that have turned out to be awesome dramatic actors).

I'd argue for Robin Williams, but he really hasn't had a chance to show it. He'll never be recognized in the "best ever" category, but if you really pay attention to him no one's better at transforming themselves, and only a couple are his equal (Day-Lewis, Oldman).

The thing with acting is the "great" actors rarely are good at transformation because the audience doesn't want them to be. Most audiences go to movies and enjoy the stars because they can relate and fantasize about what they don't get to do. If they can relate to Julia Roberts as a law student, a beauty queen, a teacher, a journalist, an actor, etc., it's kind of like being in those roles themselves. They don't want to lose Julia Roberts the PERSON in the characters because they want a uniform personality to relate to.

Just my observations.
I agree with crowe after watching the insider. Can't believe I missed this movie. Glorious performances all around.
The fact that Russell Crowe lost in the Oscar race to Kevin Spacey for The Insider and then two years later to Denzel for A Beautiful Mind is one of the reasons I give two shits about the Oscars.
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malcolm x, john Q, soldiers story, glory....just to name a few

don cheadle, tom hanks, morgan freeman, sean penn, all good as well