Parenting 101

Several years ago, I started reading a lot on the brain and more specifically, how we as humans make choices.

In one of the books, they discussed a study that was done in Stanford where they brought 5-year-olds into a room and sat them down in front of a table. On this table, there was a very big red button. The doctor sitting across the child would ask the child questions and constantly remind the child that under no circumstances should the child touch the red button. Monsters and all kinds of bad will happen if you touch the red button etc.

The Dr. would leave the room and go stand behind the 2-way mirror and observe. I don't remember the exact number but it was something like 5+% of the kids - mostly boys mind you - couldn't take it any longer and would touch the red button. Some people, no matter how much they are told not to do something - no matter how much 'bad' will happen if they do this 'thing', will still do it.
Idk if that's an accurate description, but if they just left the kid alone in a room with nothing but a big red button. that sounds like a flawed experiment. You can leave an adult alone in a room with nothing but a button that he knows will give them a painful electric shock if he pushes it, and he will still do it just to avoid boredom. Did the kid in this experiment have anything else to do apart from pressing the button?
:lol: You're a clueless fucking idiot. Either you have no idea what the word rational means or you have no idea what you're talking about. It's scary that you have kid. 18-month old absolutely knows how to get what they want. And what they don't want is pain, discomfort, or being alone in a room as punishment.

Then again, I'm talking to a retard that thinks it's wise to let the kids hit each other instead of being a parent and beating both of their asses. Great parenting.

I’m guessing you don’t have kids. There is no cookie cutter approach, my kids are different than yours, which are different than coombz. In fact my kids are very different than each other, so discipline was different for each. The only thing I can think of that is universally important is being involved in their lives. I did not have to use a heavy hand on my kids at all and they turned out to be very productive and well balanced awesome human beings. Some kids do require a heavier hand, me and my brothers for instance, and we all turned out pretty good. What my parents had in common with us is that they were very involved in our lives. Told us they were proud of us and less often that they were disappointed in us etc.
I'm with Amadeus on this one. You are the adult in charge. You are the one there to give rewards and consequences. Your son should learn to say 'stop that. don't do that. I don't like that. if you don't stop I'm going to tell Mom or Dad' in a loud firm voice; not whining. 18 months to 2 and 1/2 I think it's the perfect time to give a quick little SWAT as a consequence. Watch the playing carefully and when it happens Time-It as she's reaching her hand back to scratch.

In all seriousness though, never teach your kids to hit/hurt anyone, especially over trivial shit. I'm an uncle to 4, I have some experience in this phenomenon. The rule is very simple: no violence, idgaf who started it, nobody's doing it on my watch.

I'm not gonna hit her but she also laughs at any stern warnings so what the hell... let's let the boy teach her a lesson :-D
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Idk if that's an accurate description, but if they just left the kid alone in a room with nothing but a big red button. that sounds like a flawed experiment. You can leave an adult alone in a room with nothing but a button that he knows will give them a painful electric shock if he pushes it, and he will still do it just to avoid boredom. Did the kid in this experiment have anything else to do apart from pressing the button?
I honestly, do not remember. When observing the kids left in the room, they wanted to observe the behavior of the child after being warned. Distractions could give the child an excuse to look away and negate what the study is looking for. We don't always have a distraction when we are presented with making a choice.

The reason for the study was to discover why so many adults continue to do the wrong thing even though the adults know nothing good will come of this action. Is this a learned behavior or is this something we are born with?
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coombz is a good example of why there should be required IQ/genetic testing (or at the very least, mandatory parenting classes if any aforementioned tests result in failure) before one is allowed to fornicate and conceive a child.

so Tic and Validuz don't approve...

seems like things must be going in the right direction :bigthumb:
tell her to go cut a switch from the sapling in the back yard

then whip her with it

she never do that shit again
a toddler can be so angry that they can know the consequences of hitting, or scratching, or whatever, but they will often just rage out and do it anyway

or they flush the toilet themselves, and then start screaming and melting down because they didn't want to flush it, or some other completely irrational shit

99% of parenting is making sure your kid doesn't end up like Validuz

the other 1% is keeping them out of jail
:lol: You're a clueless fucking idiot. Either you have no idea what the word rational means or you have no idea what you're talking about. It's scary that you have kid. 18-month old absolutely knows how to get what they want. And what they don't want is pain, discomfort, or being alone in a room as punishment.

Then again, I'm talking to a retard that thinks it's wise to let the kids hit each other instead of being a parent and beating both of their asses. Great parenting.

You don't have kids do you. An 18 month old is like having a 2' terrorist that can't speak but wants to cuddle in the house. Their 'rationality' goes to complete shit if they have the wrong sock on
I’m guessing you don’t have kids. There is no cookie cutter approach, my kids are different than yours, which are different than coombz. In fact my kids are very different than each other, so discipline was different for each.
Yes, every kid is different. What a revelation!

The only thing I can think of that is universally important is being involved in their lives. I did not have to use a heavy hand on my kids at all and they turned out to be very productive and well balanced awesome human beings. Some kids do require a heavier hand, me and my brothers for instance, and we all turned out pretty good. What my parents had in common with us is that they were very involved in our lives. Told us they were proud of us and less often that they were disappointed in us etc.
What part of anything I said was being contradicted by anything you just said? Did I say all kids are the same?
I have two boys, 7 and 12.

They've had arguments, and the little one has been more prone to hitting the older one, but they've never had a fight, and the older one has never crushed the younger, even though he could very easily and the younger one sometimes really deserves it.

I've taught them to love each other. I've instilled in them from the very beginning that it's completely dishonorable to fight your own brother, and that brothers should always work together, should look out for each other, and should always be counted on to fight everyone else, not each other.

Seems to have worked so far.

About the closest I've come to sanctioning violence between them is telling the younger one, "Ya know... one of these days your brother is gonna hit you back, and I promise you, you're not gonna like it one bit."
About the closest I've come to sanctioning violence between them is telling the younger one, "Ya know... one of these days your brother is gonna hit you back, and I promise you, you're not gonna like it one bit."

I honestly don't expect my nephews/niece to not hit anyone ever just because I told them to. But I want them to realize that hitting is bad, so that when they want to hit someone, they will weigh what they're gonna get out of it against knowing that they're about to do something bad.

It's all about getting them to think about the consequences of their actions.
on the one hand, i agree, we're all animals at the end of the day :roller:

on the other hand, in real life you can't entirely eliminate bad behaviour with the threat of punishment - humans are impulsive, rebellious and have their own minds and spirits

kids just take time to grow up and stop being dumb
That's what every shit parent says when their little monster grows up and hurts someone or does something evil: "we loved him so much"

Your kids don't just stop being dumb or shitty on their own, idiot. They have to be guided, sometimes forcefully with repetitive punishment.

when children are like 2-3ish and in the phase of being all possessive with toys and stuff, and occasionally violent with other little kids, we teach them over and over that you're supposed to use words and not just batter people :D right?

we taught that to our son, but then I had to tell him that it's also OK to defend himself if his little sister is being violent

this will teach him not to cry for help all the time like a beta bitch, and will help daughter learn that there can be consequences to actions

'being a parent and beating both of their asses' definitely has its place, but practically speaking you can't do that every single time they squabble - they have to learn to deal with shit themselves, THAT is parenting
You teach them self-defense from others. They shouldn't need that from a sibling at 1-3. The problem here is not the boy, but the girl. The girl should be punished. Idiot liberals are always looking at the symptoms, trying to address them instead of the root problems.
there aren't any problems to be addressed you screeching retard :lol: and neither of my kids are 1-3

I agree that the violent child should be punished, but do you think the victim should just stand there and take it until an adult can save them, or run off for help all the time?

every parent has different values they want to instill i of mine will always be that you don't let anyone walk all over you without a fight