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no responses from the OP

guess he really didn't care "that much" after all

hurrrr hurrr durrr

so this is for you Bowl of Blood

you just want the stats.......the numbers





full source:

FBI — Expanded Homicide Data Table 3

but what about the raw numbers right?

like these new numbers?



you catch the game yet? I did

Imagine what kind of games going full cuck like the Swedes can demonstrate

I hate this, personally I find it offensive when the census asks my race. I personally think the quickest way to end racism (well dramatically reduce it anyway) is for the government to stop tracking race. Stop with the racially motivated handouts. Stop with the racially motivated college enrollments etc. I think in the eyes of the government we are either citizens or we are not. If not a citizen, then no benefits other than food for children (because our country is to soft to turn its back on illegal children).

Personally if it were up to me, we'd build state of the art educational orphanages and remove children from households where parents can't afford to support their own children and end the generational sense of entitlement syndrome.
I hate this, personally I find it offensive when the census asks my race. I personally think the quickest way to end racism (well dramatically reduce it anyway) is for the government to stop tracking race. Stop with the racially motivated handouts. Stop with the racially motivated college enrollments etc. I think in the eyes of the government we are either citizens or we are not. If not a citizen, then no benefits other than food for children (because our country is to soft to turn its back on illegal children).

so very true and 100% agreement

instead we can't even come to any consensus on something as simple and imo uncontroversial as the sex you were born

i mean that shouldn't be nearly as tribalistic......or hate based

but some how it is.......58 genders and growing




so what hope do i have for the topic of race

very little if not none.......i am afraid to say
yes we need reeducation camps now

separate children from their parents

I'm talking a major investment in children that are currently being born and raised in such a negative environment that 99% of them born into these households grow up to add to an ever increasing problem of drug use, crime and etc. current system of an incompetent DCF and foster care does not work. If a better system could intercept these children while they still have a chance, maybe some of them can grow up to be productive adults.
I'm talking a major investment in children that are currently being born and raised in such a negative environment that 99% of them born into these households grow up to add to an ever increasing problem of drug use, crime and etc. current system of an incompetent DCF and foster care does not work. If a better system could intercept these children while they still have a chance, maybe some of them can grow up to be productive adults.

Jeff Bezos unveils $2B ‘Day One Fund’ focusing on homeless families and preschool education

only issue is do you trust the guy?

i mean man we put a lot of faith in our globalist overlords

no wonder they own everything soon

I just hope he teaches 3 yo's to worship Nike and FB sooner
if it smells like a village
it's probably a village
of people who will
pretend they care
then ask someone
else to take care of
the necessary
how's that done

yes we need reeducation camps now

separate children from their parents

I'm talking a major investment in children that are currently being born and raised in such a negative environment that 99% of them born into these households grow up to add to an ever increasing problem of drug use, crime and etc. current system of an incompetent DCF and foster care does not work. If a better system could intercept these children while they still have a chance, maybe some of them can grow up to be productive adults.


watching telly

I say all of these almost the same, that's why telly is a diminutive/slang for television ;o
actually, I think I pronounce teleprompter 'tellyprompter'

but television 'tel-uh-vision'


Same and im in the midwest the most boring (no) accent in usa

I thought it was tele but i like saying telemon which a Jamaican accent
so very true and 100% agreement

instead we can't even come to any consensus on something as simple and imo uncontroversial as the sex you were born

i mean that shouldn't be nearly as tribalistic......or hate based

but some how it is.......58 genders and growing




so what hope do i have for the topic of race

very little if not none.......i am afraid to say

thought crimes are not orwellian

btw if you/anyone havent read Orwell fighting in the Spanish Civil War (with the communists mind you, shot through the throat which sent him home), this dude saw this shit emerging back in 1937 and his socialism idealism which I think we all have to admit sounds good, died with his experiences.. It is now at home here. Did we really beat communism when the wall came down and the soviet union broke up?

i honestly can't believe u guys are so upset about the muslims taking over sweden

no gays
no sjw's
no feminists
no hollywood movies
no pop music

sounds like old man paradise to me
Using a translator so some of it might be wonky.

Security expert: Sweden on the way to civil war

Olle Fjordgren , 64, has spent many years on international security work during his long and diverse career . He has been hired as an advisor by the governments of Pakistan, Ethiopia and Mongolia, he has drunk tea with Taliban in the Hindu Kush Mountains and swam with sharks in the Red Sea. In other words, he is not a person who annoys himself unnecessarily. I interviewed him for the first time in 2013, for the newspaper Dispatch International , and already then he was very concerned about the development in Sweden. Among other things, he said:

- Right now we are in a low-intensity asymmetric civil war and the criminals are gaining. They have begun to decide and society gives in. We have to turn that development immediately and understand that it is about professional criminals, not about the lack of Ipads or concrete filled sandboxes.

Now, five years later, Fjordgren believes that the criminals are not just winning, they have won in many areas that he rightly calls no-go zones.

"Now we reap the dragon seed"

- We are now reaping the killing seed of the policy pursued. The political unwillingness to see how badly it is, in combination with inability and ignorance, has led to Sweden being very close to becoming a failed state , where the state does not own the monopoly of violence anymore.

This, therefore, from a person who has seen closely what it looks like in countries such as Pakistan, Afghanistan and Ethiopia. But that's not strange, says Olle Fjordgren. In the countries we call banana republics, where the state apparatus is weak or non-existent, where all groups are prepared to defend themselves and their closest, no one trusts that the state will do that. In this way, a kind of terrorist balance or informal justice is achieved. When Sweden as a state now begins to lose its grip, the Swedes stand as hands-on as children in the forest and do not know how to behave.

- Society plays according to old, outdated rules. The police roam around and patrol in the traditional way, but then we have the opposing side, the criminals, who play according to completely different rules. It is only to realize that the other side has a completely different attitude to power and violence. They have a violence capital that we cannot really grasp, says Olle Fjordgren.

Locked for the foreseeable time

According to him, the recipe for this is zero tolerance according to the New York model. More resources for the police, put together all the committed crimes, no criminal offense, stricter weapons laws, the three strikes and you're out principle - that is, at your third serious crime you will be locked in for the foreseeable future.

The judiciary must ensure that these dangerous people are incapacitated and removed from the streets, which is the only way to access the problems.

The "Enjoy the Sin" model, with dalt, coffee and buns, which one likes to engage in in Sweden, he does not give much to. It is up to the residents themselves in the exclusion areas to get in the collar and get out of there, dispose of drugs and crime. Everyone has an individual responsibility for themselves. If this continues, Olle Fjordgren sees only one possible development in the extension - civil war.

- Absolutely. Look at what happened in Lebanon, when the power struggle between the various groups eventually reached its boiling point. In Sweden, it can be started in the exclusion claves, by the clans and the gang leaders, or the day when the Swedes finally get enough and decide that there is no other way out than to take weapons. There are people with high levels of violence even among the ethnic Swedes, you should be clear about that, warns Olle Fjordgren.

RIP Europe 6/15
Angela Merkel: Nation States Must "Give Up Sovereignty" and be more like Sweden. The Swedish model is THE model for all of Europe and Sweden is doing GREEEEEEEEAT!

“Nation states must today be prepared to give up their sovereignty”, according to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who told an audience in Berlin that sovereign nation states must not listen to the will of their citizens when it comes to questions of immigration, borders, or even sovereignty.

“In an orderly fashion of course,” Merkel joked, attempting to lighten the mood. But Merkel has always had a tin ear for comedy and she soon launched into a dark speech condemning those in her own party who think Germany should have listened to the will of its citizens and refused to sign the controversial UN migration pact:

“There were [politicians] who believed that they could decide when these agreements are no longer valid because they are representing The People”.

“[But] the people are individuals who are living in a country, they are not a group who define themselves as the [German] people,” she stressed.

Merkel has previously accused critics of the UN Global Compact for Safe and Orderly Migration of not being patriotic, saying “That is not patriotism, because patriotism is when you include others in German interests and accept win-win situations”.

Her words echo recent comments by the deeply unpopular French President Emmanuel Macron who stated in a Remembrance Day speech that “patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism [because] nationalism is treason.”

Shit is abouda get fun.