Pack of howlers gets broken up by fist of death

bitch got fukkn got go on keep messn wit d00dz n wondrin

y ya eetn ya fukkn meals thru straws 6 mos fukkn pussyass fukkn disgr8ces 2

munrace smdh lol :jester:

Yaw mang I 'gree 4 r34L u fuk wit biggie nut u get laid out to da rock slap jackin, naw wut 'em sayen? smdh lol :jester:

For the rest of you that don't speak Mun:

That 12 year old learned a life lesson about why you shouldn't charge someone seven times bigger than you.
I'm sure the law has a mechanism to consider if physical retaliation is justified based on the level of perceived threat. At no point would anyone consider an 11yo girl to be a threat to a 200lb adult man. So, that is his mistake. He didn't react out of a sense of preservation or in defense of another, he lost his composure and reacted out of anger.

She suffered the obvious consequence of her stupidity, and rightly so... but that doesn't excuse the fact that you're an adult man and you let an 11yo get under your skin causing you to resort to violence and now your life is fucked. GG.
He's got a little kid there. And there's a pack of at least 10 seemingly violent teens or pre teens there yelling at and assaulting his family. The courts will decide, but your judgement based on a snippet of video without any of the circumstances is naive at best.
He's got a little kid there. And there's a pack of at least 10 seemingly violent teens or pre teens there yelling at and assaulting his family. The courts will decide, but your judgement based on a snippet of video without any of the circumstances is naive at best.

You're right, it is difficult to understand the full context of the situation from just 30 seconds of video... but, at the end of the day, the situation ends with a fully grown man punching out a little girl. It is difficult to fathom the variables that have to come together to justify the legality of that level of retaliation.

A militant mob of pre-teen girls... that has to be top 5 things that I fear most while at the mall.
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Did they threaten to stab him? Follow him home? Was the guy retreating or trying to get away from them for the previous X minutes?

"Little girl" my ass. She was big enough to think it's a good idea to gang up on a family and push a man twice her size. Plenty of videos out there of 'youths' assaulting people. Not gonna expect buddy to ID them to verify their age as he's being assaulted.
the only thing I can fault him on is that (on the video I saw) he seemed to push her first?

can't blame him at all for defending himself when she came at him

in his shoes I would've just wanted to walk my family away from a situation like that as fast as possible...then if someone attacks and you have to bash a little kid, it's very clearly self defense
the only thing I can fault him on is that (on the video I saw) he seemed to push her first?

can't blame him at all for defending himself when she came at him

in his shoes I would've just wanted to walk my family away from a situation like that as fast as possible...then if someone attacks and you have to bash a little kid, it's very clearly self defense

I do not blame him either. If he punched her the first time he made contact, someone would have said "why not just push her first?, then she would have backed away", which we see she clearly does not.

Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6. Hope his attorney shows video after video of thug teen attack videos to set the frame of mind.

Makes you think what you would do, right? Fighting multiple people who will grab, kick, punch, maybe even stab, all from different directions?
You're right, it is difficult to understand the full context of the situation from just 30 seconds of video... but, at the end of the day, the situation ends with a fully grown man punching out a little girl. It is difficult to fathom the variables that have to come together to justify the legality of that level of retaliation.

A militant mob of pre-teen girls... that has to be top 5 things that I fear most while at the mall.

It wasn't just one little girl though. It was 10-15 attacking and encircling him and a small child. One grown man cant keep 15 teens off a small child but he can send a message and thats what he did. Why argue on the side of violent mobs like this? Who honestly cares what happens to them? Why not just expect them to behave in the future and chock this up as a loss and expect them to not act like that in the future?
the only thing I can fault him on is that (on the video I saw) he seemed to push her first?

can't blame him at all for defending himself when she came at him

in his shoes I would've just wanted to walk my family away from a situation like that as fast as possible...then if someone attacks and you have to bash a little kid, it's very clearly self defense

If she had a gun that wouldn't have happened, she could've shot him in the chest after being pushed over.

I'd say all those young black ladies should buy a handgun and wait around the parking lot till next time.
group/gang mentality.

they always say sometimes you gotta let a kid stick his hand in the fire. maybe she wont charge another adult shes assaulting when they actually decide to defend themselves lol.
I watch a stream where a lawyer breaks down different things. This guy has a strong case in defense. His whole family was being harrassed and obviously provoked as you can see being shoved from all directions. There is a law that negates the 12 year old (dunno why link says 11 but whatever) if you have the belief the person is 18 then it can stand in court. He has taken the stance he was protecting his family.

The main thing he is doing wrong though is he has started posting on twitter and even said he used his left non dominant hand. Never do this as this undermines your protecting your family defense. If you punch someone ever you go all in or nothing, the same with shooting someone.
when a drunken 15 year old lagber talked shit to sarca and got choked out at a lan gaming convention no 1 batted an eye


bc I had it coming

this bitch had it coming. her parents should be prosecuted for assault.
You're right, it is difficult to understand the full context of the situation from just 30 seconds of video... but, at the end of the day, the situation ends with a fully grown man punching out a little girl. It is difficult to fathom the variables that have to come together to justify the legality of that level of retaliation.

A militant mob of pre-teen girls... that has to be top 5 things that I fear most while at the mall.

Some fucking bitch like that starts carrying on in that way around my daughter and I would punch her out as well.
You're right, it is difficult to understand the full context of the situation from just 30 seconds of video... but, at the end of the day, the situation ends with a fully grown man punching out a little girl. It is difficult to fathom the variables that have to come together to justify the legality of that level of retaliation.

A militant mob of pre-teen girls... that has to be top 5 things that I fear most while at the mall.

thats actually the same of level of thinking that kids use to get away with everything actually. if you take age out of the situation there would not be this close to a division of who is right and who is wrong. Either way, The judgement of this case will decide how many more ppl try to get away with it. Either more kids will be shits at malls or more adults will assault kids.