Open Source Tribes 1 using V12 engine

well, I'd bet whoever took the initiative to get this ball rolling, it'd generate enough interest to get off the ground.

But it'll be a LOT of work.

Best time is during the school year, since college students generally have a lot of free time, a good amount of talent, and don't mind working for free. :D

Does anyone know if there are a lot of v12 projects going already?

maybe the thing could be sort of "sponsored" by GG as a sample of the kinds of things which could be done.
Spyboy said:
Wouldn't it be easier to start from Tribes 2 and make a mod?
The T2 physics can just be changed, etc.. At least you wouldn't have to redo all the textures and sounds this way.

Although I guess with GarageGames, you could make the entire game free, is that correct? And I read that license link, did they effectively say you COULD distribute it from your site, as long as the price of the game was "free"? Basically "We want a cut of your pie, but if there is no pie, then you can pretty much distribute your 'nothingness' however you want"??
Maybe CRC will volunteer as 'one of' the project managers. Not necessarily a position you would have to purchase the code, but it has a lot of work involved with it :D Thats why you would probably need 2 or 3.. no more or it defeats the purpose.
It looks as though the majority of the tools that created T2 are available in the V12 package. Someone posted a screenshot of the demo and it looks a lot like T2 already, if that gentleman would provide details of what all exactly it includes, it'd help :)
man I bet gg would love to see the tribes community make a bad ass game, right off the bat, hold it up to the suites and say nener nener nener
Yes, a lot of the stuff you would need, as far as tools is already there. Whats basically missing is:

1) a lot of textures
2) a lot of models
3) a lot of maps
4) physics code
5) 'scripts' for gameplay


6) weapon/item code
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Hrm, just read their faq. They said the games would be free, but the ones that show promise would moved into the "pay bin" and might eventually see retail distribution... Does this mean that you are not involved in setting the price for your game?

If the community made a kickass game, and it really kicked ass, it looks like they might enforce a price on it. That would suck, if the intent was for it to be free...

I mean, technically, if it sold well, the developers couldn't complain... They'd get 50-80% of the profits :)

Not a bad model. It's basically just a model where GG lets everyone and their mother try to make a game, and then leeches on to whoever's game doesn't suck, and rides it to the top with them. They don't have to spend a dime on development--just provide the engine.
Thats why it would be important enough to make this similar enough, but not infringe on any copyrights. I don't think GG is stupid enough to make a Tribes 1 clone marketable tho, so it's all good :D
Well the license could possibly cause a problem because it states that all projects have to go to garagegames, it goes on to state that "most" will be free but if they are good enough then they go into a "pay-bin" and they'll help with the publishing and rights for royalites.

They also said that they would have gave it away for free but basically Sierra was being an ass, go figure...
Sigma8 said:
Hrm, just read their faq. They said the games would be free, but the ones that show promise would moved into the "pay bin" and might eventually see retail distribution... Does this mean that you are not involved in setting the price for your game?

If the community made a kickass game, and it really kicked ass, it looks like they might enforce a price on it. That would suck, if the intent was for it to be free...

I mean, technically, if it sold well, the developers couldn't complain... They'd get 50-80% of the profits :)

Not a bad model. It's basically just a model where GG lets everyone and their mother try to make a game, and then leeches on to whoever's game doesn't suck, and rides it to the top with them. They don't have to spend a dime on development--just provide the engine.

Yeah, but you have to think about how popular a tribal clone would actually be. Plus if a lot of stuff rides on borderline copyright, like a "spinfuzer" then it might be a bad idea to try and charge money for it.
xgalaxy said:
Thats why it would be important enough to make this similar enough, but not infringe on any copyrights. I don't think GG is stupid enough to make a Tribes 1 clone marketable tho, so it's all good :D
Well I think this is an interesting point. How would you market it? I suppose you could say it's "like Tribes" but you couldn't name it Tribes, and anything that is similar in content might be similar enough to sue over. That's why I think a mod is the only way to go. If people need to buy T2 to play it Sierra will have less of a problem with it. If you release "TW Tribes" totally independent of T2 they will not allow it.

$.02, take them for what they are worth.
That's true. But the advantage of working with the V12 engine, is that you get the source code. If you know how to, you can fix crap that Dynamix put in there that wasn't so hot. With Tribes2, you're stuck with Tribes2 bugs.

Hey, anyone know if V12 can, will, doesn't, or won't support demo recording?
I'm not into this for money, this is a community thing, we all want to see T2 be what it should have been, if the community has the wherewithal to do it, i'm sure GG would help, I just see a lot of untapped talent in this community, if we focus it who knows
I've been thinking about a T1 upgrade for a while now, and now that this "change" is comming to sierra, now might be the time. I for one, will be contacting some people at said company soon to find out that the scoop will be on the source; but I'm guessing that it won't be let go =/

But if we can get our hands on it, open source is not really the best way to start the project, but it's certianly the way to finish it.

If anything happen with this, I'll be there emacs and all =)

i am a learning programmer, but i do have a lot of free time and am fairly intelligent, i'll pledge my services to this mod of sorts if you have any room for me. would be great experience.