[Onoes] No more Aliens: Colonial Marines

What's interesting is that Hudson didn't really die until the nuclear explosion. He was merely taken by aliens, no doubt cocooned when the facility went nuclear.
For all we know Hudson was still wrestling the shit out of the aliens. He was probably in the wrestling team in high school.
I bet he was real good.
He had a bunch of aliens in a headlock and then BOOM. Killed by Ripley.

What a bitch.
No way Hudson was the tech, he was in the AV club not the wrestling team.

I have seen many nerdlings join the wrestling team in a misguided attempt to not be nerdlings anymore.

Hell, my brother is the nerdiest person I know and he picked up kung fu and now he's some sort of techno kung fu person (but still horrendously nerdy).

I have hope for poor Hudson.
not canceled, not yet anyway

Rumor: Gearbox Lays Off 26, Drops Aliens: Colonial Marines - Update: Gearbox President Responds

someone who lurks tribalwar was working on this game, lets see if we can coax him into posting.

I normally just lurk here, but was happy to see someone found this news worthy. I wasn't sure how many Aliens fans TW has, but I definately fall into that category. Let it be known that a fellow Tribes player is on this project. :wave:

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not canceled, not yet anyway

Rumor: Gearbox Lays Off 26, Drops Aliens: Colonial Marines - Update: Gearbox President Responds

someone who lurks tribalwar was working on this game, lets see if we can coax him into posting.

Aliens: Colonial Marines Announced by GlassShadow - TribalWar Forums

Well, that was easy, I suppose.

In short, Aliens: Colonial Marines has not been cancelled. I can only assume that these rumors are the result of our new initiative and focus on quality. Gearbox has always made good games, but frankly, we want to do better. To the outsider, I suspect it appears as though these changes indicate the worst; certainly reason to speculate. However, it is just the opposite. We’re in the business of making great games, and that is what we are going to do.

So, when I previously stated that Gearbox loves the Aliens franchise, I meant just that. :)